News for May 20 — Estrogen Replacement Protects Against COVID

Estrogen replacement protects against COVID: . A 78% reduction in mortality rates is obviously quite significant. The findings may also help explain why COVID mortality rates are higher for men.

Judge orders COVID asylum restrictions to continue: . So this ruling makes very little legal sense, because the rule relates to public health, not immigration. However, as the courts become increasingly politicized, they become increasingly unpredictable. WSJ: More: .

Does adenovirus cause kids’ severe hepatitis?: . WSJ: More: .

WHO meets on monkeypox: .

How to spot monkeypox: . Important signs of monkeypox: (1) growing a prehensile tail; (2) throwing your poop at visitors; and (3) binge watching Tarzan. And why was that chimpanzee named Cheetah?: .

China’s COVID battles continue: .

Mariupol troops sent to prison camp in Russia: . The Russian suggestion of trying these troops as war criminals is appalling. What war crime did they commit defending their country from Russian invasion? Involving the International Red Cross was a smart move, because if they are not given access to the prisoners, the Russians are then committing a crime by violating their international agreements.

WSJ: Russian inflation balloons: . Note that the shopper is studying several huge containers of … potatoes.

Portland’s Batman recovers stolen goods, including his batsuit: . I’ll remember this every time I see a “Keep Portland Weird” bumper sticker. Austin may have coined the phrase, but they have nothing on us.

Will this Orange Julius screw-up be the straw that breaks the elephant’s back?: . Here’s some translation of the Pennsylvania GOP’s message. OJ endorsed Mastriano for governor only the Saturday before the election, and only because Mastriano was going to win the primary. He looks unelectable in the general election. On the Senate side, Trump endorsed Oz because of Oz’s celebrity, ignoring the fact the Oz promotes quack medical advice.

Apparently, Oz is expected to lose because the uncounted ballots come from areas that favor McCormick: . But OJ’s suggestion of disputing this election means he is saying Republican votes don’t count. While the 2020 Big Lie is absurd, it was based on throwing out Democratic votes. If neither Democratic nor Republican votes count, what exactly is the point of voting? Votes only count if your guy wins? Isn’t that Putin’s approach?

Giuliani meets with January 6 committee for 9 hours: . I wonder what has ended the “run out the clock” strategy? My impression is that Rudy’s last minute withdrawal was based on an argument over Rudy’s request that he record the session.                                                                                                                                          (rotc, 5/5/22)

Eastman says he dealt directly with OJ on insurrection plans: .

Major cast departures at Saturday Night Live: . So 47 seasons or not, if Kate McKinnon leaves, the show will be basically unwatchable. Even now, there’s not much after the opening segment. Mercedes classic sells for 3 times the price of the previous record car: .