News for May 9 — Americans Need COVID Booster Shots

Americans need COVID booster shots: . The article notes that even those previously infected with Omicron are susceptible to reinfection with the new variants. Since vaccine protection also wanes over time, getting boosted is the key current prevention strategy.

Vaccine producers focus on boosters: . Of course, initial vaccinations will continue as new children arrive. However, the market may essentially become a pediatric market.

WSJ: COVID cases are rising in New England and Puerto Rico: .

WSJ: Getting help for long COVID: . The writer comments that 3 months of symptoms is about the time frame to consider specialized help for long COVID, and that full recoveries “aren’t the norm”.

More questions about Paxlovid: . The dosage study seems like a wise idea.

Shanghai continues to tighten COVID lockdown as cases fall: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Long-term inflation expectations rise: . This is a problem. This type of projection will press the Fed to continue to quickly raise interest rates. The resulting economic shock increases the chance of recession. Furthermore, China’s continuation of its Zero COVID strategy is disrupting its manufacturing production, which will increase supply chain headaches. At least the Fed is cognizant of the risk: .

WSJ: Armstrong Flooring, 162 years old, files for bankruptcy: . The accounting mantra of the past 50 years has been to pull capital out of companies. That leverage made many on Wall Street rich, but leverage has its costs.

Millions of Americans to receive reimbursed Internet connection: . The pandemic demonstrated that this service is now critical to our education infrastructure. There are 48 million eligible households.

Democrats look to expand Biden’s Ukrainian aid package to $40 billion: . WSJ: More: .

Russian soldiers continue to sabotage their own tanks: . As a patriotic enterprise, this is definitely not going well. The officer corps is also showing signs of unwillingness to fight: .

Putin claims the Ukraine war was caused by NATO and the West: . So that must be why the well-known warmongers Sweden and Norway want to join NATO. Everything fits together if you just don’t think about it. WSJ: More: . I find Putin’s phrase “a pre-emptive response to the aggression” repulsive. Actually, it is the definition of initial aggression.

Putin’s alleged mistress pregnant with child number 5: . I am tempted to say that here is another Putin invasion gone wrong, but that would be … well, accurate. The article indicates Vlad appeared unhappy after hearing the news.

The Post also “reported” that Putin suffers from both thyroid cancer (reported here) and cancer of the bowel: . Thyroid cancer is generally treatable, and this could involve radiation, surgery or chemotherapy. Cancer of the bowel, however, is most commonly treated by surgery. If the prior and future surgeries discussed here are for cancer of the bowel, this would suggest recurrence. That is not a good sign with this particular disease.

Also, cancer treatment can often compromise fertility. So is this the source of Vlad’s unhappiness with the pregnancy?

Washington Post wins Pulitzer for January 6 coverage: .

Shockingly sharp first images from the Webb telescope: . This is impressive stuff.