News for April 27 — Upstate New York COVID Surge

WSJ: Upstate New York COVID surge: .

WSJ: The rising COVID reinfection risk: . Note that reinfection can occur within 3 months of the first infection.

Fauci drops out of White House Correspondents Association event over “personal health risk”: . Given the roasting done at this dinner, there is no question that Fauci also faced personal political risk.

More disappointing was Fauci’s declaration on the PBS Newshour that we were out of the pandemic phase of COVID, even though noting that globally the pandemic continues: . While reported cases are down, we know that cases are currently vastly underreported, as regularly documented here. Fauci may simply be towing the White House line, and recognizing the public desire that the pandemic be over. UPDATE: Fauci reverse course in AP interview: .

Biden will also limit his time at WHCA dinner: .

WSJ: Amgen gets a “Dear Taxpayer” letter from the IRS: . A $7 billion tax bill is a nasty surprise for even the largest companies.

GAO says FEMA double billed for hundreds of COVID funerals: .

European Union estimates up to 80% of population has had COVID: . Does anyone notice how utterly ridiculous the goal of herd immunity was? We may be getting there by having everyone actually have the disease. I’m kidding, of course. The rising rates of reinfection indicate the variants are bypassing the antibodies of the prior infection.

EU says emergency phase of pandemic is over: . Based on the high levels of prior infection and vaccination in the EU, they may be closer to the end of the pandemic than we are. But my view is that we don’t know that, and we should not be letting our guard down yet.

Fear spreads through Beijing over another lockdown: . And that fear spreads to other Chinese cities: . China has 160 cities with a population of over 1 million. More: .

Shanghai moves to vaccinate more elderly as cases decline: .

US, Russia complete surprising prisoner swap: . Current understanding is that the American was in deteriorating health and not receiving adequate medical care.

Putin warns the West against outside intervention in Ukraine: . Certainly, Russia appears increasingly desperate. If, as the article states, Ukrainian soldiers are disrupting supply lines with the little progress Russia has made, Russia really has very little combat readiness or capability.

WSJ: Russia suffers more “fires” near Ukrainian border: . We all have a pretty good idea how these fires are starting.

Users remaking Twitter into a conservative news outlet: . If hundreds of thousands of users bail out in a couple of days, your product is in trouble. Musk’s intention to remove constraints on comment is apparently viewed by many as a reduction in product quality. Put differently, many people do not watch Fox News due to lack of trust and the obvious bias of their commentators. I’ve tried, but it just isn’t possible to watch that crap. Conversely, conservatives don’t watch “mainstream media” because they can’t handle the truth.

Yes, those comments are not symmetric for an important reason. Fox tailors its product to maximize viewership and revenue. That’s not a trustworthy basis for a news organization. Undoubtedly, the networks are sensitive as to how to present controversial news, but that is quite different from tailoring what is presented.

Fox News stories are presented in these pages when they appear to be reliable, or are the only source of a reasonable perspective. It is fair to say that Fox News inclusion here occurs only occasionally. Additionally, I view Chris Wallace’s recent departure as an important rejection of Fox by their long-time voice of reason. However, Wallace’s landing spot, CNN+, has closed only a month into operation.

Also, Orange Julius says he will not return to Twitter but stay on his project, Social Truth. That product also appears to be failing rapidly. Let’s see how this plays out.

Supreme Court looks to barbeque a Texas judge: . Look, when Clarence Thomas says a conservative judge has gone too far, you know this guy is way off the deep end. The judges Orange Julius “appointed” (as if he has any idea) are bringing the bench into disrepute.

Disney roasts DeMentis over his latest law: . What moron would promote a revenge bill like this without knowing its consequences? Ron DeMentis, of course. Meanwhile, WSJ completely misses the story while trying to promote DeMentis as a genius: . More (or less): .

Mark Emmert out as president of the NCAA: . While there is no question that Emmert is not well regarded for his lack of leadership of the NCAA, this is the most blistering criticism levied against a public figure in recent times. The article discusses a number of specifics demonstrating that the NCAA has changed much more from court losses than from within.

Dad in the stands makes Catch of the Game: . This is worth watching.