News for April 24 — T-cell Vaccines in Clinical Trials

T-cell vaccines in clinical trials: .

Japanese COVID virus clearance drug: . I wonder if this will be of assistance to those suffering from long COVID. Recent research indicates the virus lingers in the bodies of these patients.

Why US drug prices are so high: . As Katie Porter says, there’s no mystery. The deeper point is that health care in general does not represent the traditional economics of supply and demand. With no other information, would you choose the cheapest doctor? Only if you were too poor to afford something else. In this context, insurance promotes a healthier outcome, although not necessarily the optimal outcome.

Prescription drugs are a commodity, not a service. But through the lack of price transparency or competition, prices can escalate with no protection of the patient. Insulin is a well-known and life-threatening example. And a very appropriate prescription for healing this market is negotiation of drug prices by Medicare. The only downside I can see is that drug companies reap less outrageous profits, which I regard as a benefit rather than a negative.

COVID spreads in Beijing: . Seriously, the Three Stooges could do a better job running this pandemic than China and Zero COVID. Should China be reading the Bible? The phrase “pride goeth before the fall” comes from the Book of Proverbs, 16:18. Xi, the “saving face” part is not working. WSJ: More: . The Journal notes that only 15% of Shanghai’s residents over 80 are vaccinated. There are 800,000 of them. By any measure, this is abject incompetence. And the Chinese should approve and obtain a quality Western vaccine yesterday.

The horrors of Russia in Ukraine continue: . The brutality captured in this reporting is hard to process. But we must know the truth to confront it. With the tight media controls in Russia, we must hope that at some point, the Russian people also come to understand what their armies are doing.

Here is a list of all the weaponry shipped by the West to Ukraine: . Also, here is an update from BBC: . As to the comment about not supplying US tanks, that is more likely because the US does not wish to risk the technology in these tanks falling into Russian (and Chinese) hands.

US Secretaries of Defense and State meet with Zelensky in Kyiv: . The US promises additional military aid in this fight for democracy. .

WSJ: The long-lasting environmental impact of the Ukraine war: .

Macron beats Le Pen to win second term as French president: . This preserves European unity against Russia.

WSJ: Weak yen bodes poorly for global markets: .

Elizabeth Warren: Kevin McCarthy is a liar and a traitor: . You go, Senator Warren. I completely agree with Warren on this, and the evidence is indisputable.

Another GOP corrupt insanity: OJ endorses JD Vance: . Vance has previously described OJ as America’s Hitler, as detailed in the article.

Biden commemorates Armenian genocide: . So Biden keeps his campaign promise. What a novel idea!