News for April 19 — BA2 Variants Gaining Ground

BA2 variants gaining ground: . Congress’ screwing around in passing further COVID funding is dangerous.

The timing of your second booster: . This is early data, so I do not regard it as conclusive. My college reunion is in 5 weeks, so my timing is now, anyway. Also, as mentioned before, I’m planning on going with Pfizer after three shots of Moderna. There is considerable evidence that mixing vaccines provides as good or better protection than staying with the same vaccine.

COVID deaths continue: . Again, the pandemic is not over, globally or in the US.

US unvaccinated kids hospitalized at double the rate during Omicron surge: . The GOP’s anti-science babbling puts their children at risk. It really is as simple as that.

Moderna hopes to introduce Omicron-modified COVID vaccine in the fall: .

J&J pulls vaccine sales forecast amid slumping sales: . WSJ: More: .

Shanghai continues to ease lockdown, cases show some decline: . Note that China says over 85% of the new cases are asymptomatic. These numbers just do not make sense relative to Omicron outbreaks elsewhere in the world.

Shanghai reports 7 more COVID deaths Tuesday: . Deaths are a lagging indicator. There are strong suspicions that China attributes some COVID deaths to other underlying medical conditions.

Update on hepatitis (liver inflammation) outbreak in children: . Note that these cases are acute, some requiring liver transplants. The basis is believed to be viral, with suspicion currently focused on adenoviruses.

IMF cuts global growth forecast to 3.6%: . The knock-on effects of the Ukraine invasion make it obvious how globally interconnected the world economy has become. And Russia will suffer tremendously over the long term for its genocidal activities. WSJ: More: . Meanwhile, IMF cuts its growth forecast for China to 4.4%: . As stated here before, China’s target of 5.5% looks nearly impossible to meet.

Biden administration to provide major student loan debt relief: . The estimates of 40,000 borrowers and $3.9 billion in relief work out to an average of almost $100,000 in debt relief per borrower. This is very significant assistance. I wonder how those who have worked for years to pay off their student loan debt will feel about this.

West sends fighter jets to Ukraine: .

Tactical analysis of the Ukraine eastern front: . The most interesting comments are in “The Russian Battle Plan” and “Challenges for the Russians”. My view is that the Ukrainians are capable of dragging this out. A protracted fight is bad both for Russian resupply problems and troop morale.

Russians lose another Black Sea commander: .

Ukrainian millionaire asks military to bomb his mansion after Russian troops move in: . Wow.

Marjorie Taylor Greene gets acquainted with Reconstruction: . We are going to have an unexpected insurrectionist “trial”. Greene may appeal, but it seems unlikely that an appeals court will deny a trial after a trial judge has granted one. I look forward to the trial and outcome (despite my pro-environment attitudes, I absolutely do not want this case to “go Greene”).

Note that the case is based on Constitutional language (the 14th Amendment, Section 3), and so was properly in federal court. The trial should occur fairly soon, as the case will resolve ballot eligibility for the primary ahead of the November election, and was timely filed. The trial will be before a state of Georgia administrative law judge, who will then provide results to the Georgia Secretary of State.

Governor DeMentis shows his true colors (is a**hole a color?): . There are only two ways to interpret these actions against Disney. First, this is more far-right political theater by punishing Disney for standing up for equal rights. Second, Disney is being punished for suspending political contributions in the state – in other words, it’s pay to play. My sense is both apply. I still don’t see how DeMentis can be elected President, but the GOP could be backward enough to nominate him if Orange Julius is not in the picture (as in, in an orange jumpsuit). WSJ: More: . Even the Journal admits that DeMentis is looking to punish Disney, although with no analysis so as not to upset “the base” (which is Al Qaeda in Arabic – just sayin’).

CalPERS to vote to replace Buffett as Berkshire chairman: . He’s 91 years old. Some succession planning needs to be forced on the company.