News for April 17 — Moderna Developing 2 New Vaccines

Moderna developing 2 news vaccines: . We have reported on the RSV vaccine previously. The second vaccine covers the 4 coronaviruses currently endemic in humans. This includes a significant part of the illnesses we call the common cold.

Shanghai reports 3 COVID deaths, the first of the lockdown: .

China’s Q1 growth is a weak 4.8%: . Also, we know that Q2 is already weakened by the lockdowns. The annual target of 5.5% looks nearly impossible to meet at this point, especially as the property sector shake-out continues. WSJ: More: . It is odd to emphasize beating expectations in a recent poll. The more important point is this state-planned economy looks to significantly miss its targets, which is very unusual for China. And Zero COVID is a major factor in the miss.

WSJ: The global economic effect of the war in Ukraine: . Simply put, rising interest rates make existing debt harder to service.

WSJ: Mariupol nears fall to Russia: . More: .

Holes in the US sanction nets: . Again, the world has converted to a global supply chain. But over time, these holes can be closed.

Zelensky reiterates Ukraine will not cede territory to end the war: .

Mercedes announces advance in electric vehicle technology: .