News for April 5 — FDA Considers COVID Booster Path

FDA considers COVID booster path: . But this is hardly the mystery the article sketches out. Obviously, the vaccine will need updating as new variants appear. Data so far shows that boosters are needed at roughly six-month intervals to maintain protection against infection. No evidence of seasonality has appeared. Variant-specific vaccines are of interest, but a universal coronavirus vaccine would be more effective.

Omicron BA2 threatens Northeastern US: .

Omicron BA2 evades GlaxoSmithKline’s sotrovimab: . So the FDA has pulled the drug.

Israeli study suggests second booster protection wanes quickly: . This study contradicts other studies. But if this holds up, it does indeed raise significant questions about the booster strategy.

Obama returns to White House to celebrate Affordable Care Act: . The ACA remains popular with Americans. So expanding it is good policy and good politics for the Democrats. WSJ: More: .

Carnival reports record bookings: . People, the pandemic is not over …

Pandemic forced older workers to retire early: . Over 1 million Americans ages 55 to 74 have retired earlier than expected since March 2020. About 10.7% of the older workforce (equaling 3.8 million workers) lost their jobs between March and April of 2020. And the number who retired involuntarily a year after losing their job was 10 times greater than expected. So the “Great Resignation” was really the “Great Force-out” for older workers: .

COVID continues to overwhelm Hong Kong funeral parlors: .

Shanghai lockdown extended to cover entire city: . As we predicted a week ago, “fine-tuning” the Zero COVID policy turned out to be really silly. More: . WSJ: More: . And: .

WSJ: Lockdowns slowing Chinese economy: .

US joins with UK and Australia to pursue hypersonic weapons: . We come ever closer to the day where some nut somewhere can push a button and weigh destruction on their perceived enemy. If you remember the movie “War Games” with a young Matthew Broderick, this is it. WSJ: More: . Still more missile news: .

Kremlin “intellectual” promotes ethnic cleansing of Ukraine: . So things continue to become more dangerous for the Ukrainians. Also, it continues to be difficult to see a negotiated peace for this conflict. Ukraine’s existence appears to depend on pushing back the Russians in eastern and southern Ukraine.

Zelensky shows UN Security Council evidence of Russian war crimes: . Each day the world is reminded of its lack of moral backbone. Still, we are fortunate to have Biden. A future involving Orange Julius is revolting to decency.

WSJ: West plans more Russian sanctions over war crimes: . More: .

Russia’s failure to take Kyiv “a defeat for the ages”: . There is no question but that this war has unfolded in a way absolutely no one predicted. The Russian military has failed in epic manner with basic tactical, strategic and logistical mistakes. But again, the real problem for Putin going forward is that his troops are mired in a proxy war against the West. And we are vastly out-supplying the Russian capabilities.

GOP smears of GOP Senators: . The depths to which these pigs will sink are unfathomable. Greene, Cawthorne, and Hawley – along with Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz and a host of other GOP politicians – are a threat to American democracy, pure and simple.

OJ’s Truth Social continues its descent into chaos: . What moron would trust Devin Nunes to run anything? Oh, right, the Orange one …

WSJ: Darwin notebooks returned after 20 years: .

Bobby Rydell passes at 79: .