News for March 26 — FDA Will Authorize Second COVID Booster

FDA will authorize second COVID booster this week for older Americans: The reporting is that there is already agreement on the authorization for Americans over 65, but expansion to those over age 50 is under consideration. I completely support expansion ASAP. More: .

WSJ: Telemedicine’s mental health drug problem: . The loosening of prescription rules during the pandemic may have led to overprescription of mental health drugs which can be abused.

Will Biden propose a new tax on the rich?: . I am all in favor of taxing the rich. But this proposal does not make logical sense. Income tax and wealth tax are two very different ideas. Presumably the 20% tax applies to income and not wealth, because obviously applying a 20% wealth tax annually would wipe everyone out in 5 years or so. It is difficult to establish wealth figures, so exactly who does this tax apply to? It makes much more sense to apply the tax to everyone with income over, say, $10 million in a year.

Biden says Putin “cannot remain in power”: . WSJ: More: . It’s what everyone is thinking. However, given that Putin is essentially dictator for life in Russia, this is not a helpful thing to say out loud. We need to be able to go forward with diplomacy with Russia. The White House has walked back this ad lib, but the damage has been done. More: . You don’t need to be a foreign policy expert to draw this conclusion.

Ukrainians capture advanced Russian electronic warfare unit: . This is a big deal. The Turkish drones have been one of the most effective Ukrainian defense weapons. The knowledge gained from this unit could further cripple Russia’s response capabilities, both now and in future conflicts.

Russia-Ukraine conflict upends scientific cooperation on climate change projects: .

WSJ: Russia’s new focus on Eastern Ukraine: . Good grief. The Journal’s analysis is increasingly uninformed and illogical. First of all, experts are skeptical of Russia’s “new focus”. The Russians continue their efforts in the south and are increasing missile attacks in the west. Secondly, the Russians have made little progress in the east, and the continuing supply flow to the Ukrainians may give the Ukrainians the opportunity to make gains in Donbas. And third, experts suggest Russia’s “new focus” gives them a path to claim credit for prior accomplishments and end this disastrous intervention.

Will Orange Julius’ incompetence sink his candidates in Georgia?: . So far, it looks like his endorsements may not sway Republican primary voters. Also, those who survive will be the equivalent of poison to Democrats in the general election. So far, Georgia’s May 24 primary could be a dream come true for Democrats across the country. So far.