News for March 23 — Experts Expect Limited US COVID Surge

Experts expect limited US COVID surge: . I don’t agree, but the data may not prove the extent of the surge. With only half of US adults boosted, protection against infection is waning. However, protection against hospitalization is still there. With reduced data reporting and at-home testing, we will miss more cases, particularly the mild and asymptomatic infections. So we will wait and see what the data has to say. But again, the pandemic is not over.

Global COVID cases rise again: .

Only half of US adults boosted: . Science is not optional. Our educational system has apparently failed half of the American population.

Moderna COVID vaccine works for toddlers: . This is a big deal and will allow vaccination of virtually the entire population. WSJ: Meanwhile, FDA delays review of Pfizer vaccine for this age group.

Poor children immediately affected by COVID relief expiration: . Cause and effect are so direct here. It is appalling that Congress has not passed some solution.

Pfizer recalls blood pressure medication over cancer risk: .

Organ transplants from donors with current or prior COVID believed safe: .

Pandemic caused population decreases in largest metro areas: . Here is alternate analysis of the data provided. LA and SFO lost population because of the high cost of housing. People who are able to work remotely long-term moved to smaller areas where they can own more home and leave their commute behind. Texas added population because it has no state income tax, a huge financial incentive for many. The “romantic cowboy” comment is one average Joe’s reason for moving. This is not a blip. Much of it is well reasoned change by those who had the opportunity.

Obamacare sign-ups up 21% for 2022: . Note that Hispanic sign-ups increased 26% and Black sign-ups were up 35%.

US suicide deaths declined in 2020: . There are more questions than answers in this data. The most obvious impact of the pandemic was reduced interaction, particularly with strangers. You would think that might increase suicides. Why the significant decrease is associated with whites is unclear.

WSJ: “Experts” say permanent daylight savings time is a health hazard: . Logic alone makes this claim dubious. We know that accidents go up with the twice-a-year time changes, which shows that a 23 or 25 hour day is a dangerous disruption.

But these experts argue that a permanent one-hour shift away from “natural” solar rhythm is a health hazard. There is no evidence that I’m aware of that this is true under standard time and the current time zones. Suppose the middle of each time zone is perfectly aligned with this solar rhythm. Then people on one edge of the current time zones are ½ hour ahead, and those directly on the other side are ½ hour behind. Where’s the hazard currently?

Then permanent daylight savings time puts people on one edge 1½ hours ahead, and those on the other side of the line ½ hour ahead. There is a risk here only if there is tremendous sensitivity to this rhythm. We don’t see that under current daylight savings time, which currently covers about 8 months. It seems likely that the elimination of the time change adds more safety than this alleged rhythm issue subtracts.

Also, the time zones and the concept of standard time were a human invention to facilitate train operation. The biological connection is not that obvious.

WSJ: Heart and stroke deaths rise during the pandemic: . Wouldn’t this be an expected result of increased stress? This reinforces my view that excess deaths will be the best data from which to analyze pandemic mortality.

WSJ: Mild COVID cases strain China: . To repeat, Zero COVID is not a viable long-term strategy. How many times do we have to go over this? Get your population properly vaccinated with an effective vaccine.

Biden in Brussels for emergency NATO meeting on Ukraine: . Biden will then travel to Warsaw to complete his four-day trip. More: .

NATO warns Russia on nuclear weapons: . Biden has also publicly warned Russia on chemical weapons.

US makes formal finding that Russian troops have committed war crimes in Ukraine: . WSJ: More: .

Russian command and control losses: . We have previously described the loss of 5 generals and a deputy naval commander. This article discusses those as well as significant losses of high-ranking officers.

WSJ: NATO’s estimates of Russian losses are higher than US: . The estimate of 40,000 total casualties means Russia has lost 20% of its combat soldiers in a month of warfare. That is a horrific defeat by any measure. In the 20 years the US was in Afghanistan, 2,401 troops were killed and an additional 20,752 were wounded. In other words, we lost half the personnel in 20 years of fighting that Russia has lost in one month.

Russian military being pushed back from Kyiv: . Once again, everything here indicates Russia is hardening into a siege mentality. Their large missile stockpile is still in play, and that may be come the focus of their attacks.

Russian military has not been taking US calls for the past month: . Obviously, the chances of misunderstanding and escalation increase. Is this also true for the military brass of Western European countries?

Top Putin envoy quits the Kremlin, leaves Russia: . Um, the war is not going well, Vlad.

A proposed peace deal for Russia and Ukraine: . It is entirely appropriate to bring up this topic as a path toward de-escalation. In the modern world, borders are essentially sacrosanct. So the ceding of Crimea, while a realistic alternative, is likely unacceptable to Ukraine. More realistic would be creation of a semi-autonomous district within Ukraine.

WSJ: French businesses stay in Russia: . Meanwhile, Switzerland’s Nestle pulls the plug: . Sanctions look to push Russian steel giant into default: .

WSJ: Will emerging markets suffer capital flight as US raises rates?: . Yes, particularly if the US raises rates as rapidly as currently projected. But there’s a lot of spare capital floating around in the developed world because of the stimulus packages around the globe. Some of that may replace departing capital.

By the way, this suggests a flight to safety that will benefit US markets despite our rate rises.

WSJ: Orange Julius prosecutor is more than pissed that he didn’t get to bring his case: . Me, too. Lock OJ up. It’s way past time.

Senator Booker’s emotional speech brings Ketanji Brown Jackson to tears: . Meanwhile, Lyin’ Ted disgusts everyone in his pitiful presence: . The GOP’s best approach would be decent, reasoned dissent. They have lost even that limited capacity. Again, what an embarrassment these fools are. WSJ: More (or less): . The writer could have written this article when Jackson was nominated – there is no new insight in here. Still more (or less): . To repeat, EM-BARR-ASS-MENT (emphasis on third syllable).

WSJ: Escalating gas prices stimulate interest in electric cars: . Let’s hope Russia Inc’s actions hasten its demise. As noted before, many consider Russia a gas station with a government. Gas and plastic: .

WSJ: Now 6 Chinese real estate developers will fail to publish timely audits: .

Madeleine Albright passes at 84: . Albright has left a legacy of decency in her world view that so few achieve. WSJ: Photos: .

WSJ: How our galaxy evolved: .