News for February 21 — National Guard Provides Nursing Assistants

National Guard provides nursing assistants: . Recruitment into healthcare is becoming an increasingly difficult task.

Fox’s Neil Cavuto returns to air after an ICU bout with COVID: . At least Cavuto told his audience that doctors said he would not have survived if he had not been vaccinated.

WSJ: We make up the science as we go, with “experts” who do the same: . Let’s clarify what we know. The statistics indicated women and children did fare better with COVID in the earlier part of the pandemic. That is not true of later variants. Currently, we just cannot predict which infected individuals will have severe COVID, except that risks are higher for older patients. We also know that severe COVID strikes children in unusual ways, for example multi-inflammatory syndrome. And third, the latest information is that 30% of COVID patients experience some symptoms of long COVID, and that includes children.

As to the woman who is not vaccinating her child, this argument would not apply to her. But she is not vaccinated. The husband is. So at least he should be around to parent the child.

Putin tells the West to piss off: . Recognition of the so-called “breakaway” Ukrainian regions increases the likelihood of a Russian “protective invasion”.

UPDATE: And your friends can piss off too: . So indeed the protective invasion has commenced. War in eastern Ukraine will likely break out in the next few hours. The question is how far Russia will advance west. It is possible that Putin will stop at the eastern provinces. However, the Ukrainians are unlikely to allow this invasion without a response. But then, the war could broaden to the entire country very quickly.

WSJ: UK lifts remaining COVID restrictions: .

UK will offer second booster to citizens over 75: . And why is the US not even considering doing this until the fall?

UK ends mass testing: . So what happens when the next variant shows up? The UK will be behind in controlling it, that’s what. Also, the doctor’s comments in the article are just goofy. Up to half of COVID infections are asymptomatic. If, as is quite possible, the next variant is more lethal than Omicron, this decision will look like a match for OJ’s hoax comments.

Iran returns donated US vaccines: . Once again, politics kills in the 21st Century. But this still doesn’t explain the anti-vax liars in the US.

WSJ: US looks to rejoin Iran nuclear deal: .

WSJ: The 50 basis point discussion continues: . Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions and countersanctions are not going to improve the global supply chain.

OJ’s Truth Social stumbles out of the gate: . I am once again so not surprised. There is a pile of money behind this thing. One suspects it is at considerable risk.

WSJ: Olympics ratings a disaster for NBC: . As stated here repeatedly, I had very little interest in these Games. The doping scandal has made most everyone turn away.

Derby winner stripped of title: . WSJ: More: . Medina Spirit, of course, died of a heart attack last December 6. How exactly does that happen in a 3-year-old horse, let alone one that could win the Kentucky Derby? You have to believe that if the horse was never subjected to racing training, it would be alive.