News for February 20 — Queen Elizabeth Positive for COVID

Queen Elizabeth positive for COVID: . Clearly, this is dangerous for a 95-year-old.

US Omicron wave continues decline: . Just remember that the pandemic comes in waves. Part of the reason for waves is re-opening too early, which of course we are doing yet again. It remains to be seen if this is the last major wave.

Pharmacies losing money dispensing COVID pills: .

CDC failure to release collected COVID data draws scrutiny: .

WSJ: Parents’ care costs drive AARP caregiving expert into bankruptcy: .

Hong Kong COVID causes flight to mainland China: . And each immigrant is a potential disease vector. Kiss Zero COVID goodbye.

Indonesia is now a test case for China Sinovac vaccine: .

US annual rent increase for 2021 is 19.3%: . I suspect the article misinterprets the statistic. Remember that due to COVID we had an eviction moratorium and federal aid to landlords. So there is undoubtedly some amount of deferred increase in the 2021 statistic. However, annual housing price increases have been in double digits in most markets, so the rent figure does not seem out of line. The question is, what will happen in 2022?

WSJ: Biden-Putin summit on Ukraine, if no invasion: . Every indication has been that the invasion is imminent. At this point, every day invasion does not occur is a good day. So far, the US, by publicizing photographs and other intelligence, and by involving our allies, has outmaneuvered Putin. While Putin has miscalculated the unity of the West, that still does not mean the invasion will not occur. Additionally, this announcement came from Macron, which is far less than an announcement from Washington or Moscow.

Russia plans to target dissidents in Ukraine after invasion: . This seems like a great time for an extended vacation in Poland.

Putin’s behavior causing Finland to rethink joining NATO: . So Putin may have created an extended border with NATO anyway. Being a good chess player is one thing. It’s more difficult when there are 20 players acting together on the other side. More: .

WSJ: China warns Russia against Ukraine invasion: . China has realized that being isolated with Russia by the world is not in its long-term interests. Duh. Perhaps they will cool it in Taiwan for a while, unless of course Russia successfully invades Ukraine and survives the consequences. Ukraine does not seem like an intelligent risk for Putin right now.

WSJ: Electric vehicle batteries complicate fire at sea: .

Bird flu in New York: . Note that affected flocks will be “depopulated”. That means the mortality rate from the bird flu will be more than 100% relative to reported cases.

Racism in Florida: . There are some mixed metaphors in this article. However, I would agree that Governor DeMentis is a social disease.

Madoff’s sister and her husband dead in murder/suicide: .

More Americans would prefer to meet Lincoln than Washington: . Me too. Lincoln is my favorite President.  Lincoln showed his deep understanding of American legal philosophy in the Gettysburg Address. There, Lincoln is absolutely right that the founding document of this country is the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. If Lincoln were alive today, he would not recognize the Republican Party and certainly would not be a member of it. After all, he is Honest Abe.

At the other end of the intellectual spectrum: . Seriously, how can anyone possibly be this flat-out stupid? It would have been more intelligent for Eric to ask Jesus how he liked playing in the Mexican Baseball League.

Ottawa trucker protest “winds down”: . So, yes, 191 arrests is one way of “winding down”. WSJ: More: .

Finnish skier suffers frozen … um, male body part: . Wait, he’s 24 and this has happened to him before? This guy has peculiar priorities … If this happened to his dad, would it be a Popsicle?