News for February 18 — Surgeon General and Family Have COVID

Surgeon General and family have COVID: . More: . Still more: .

WSJ: Pfizer FDA delay on children’s vaccine reflects low Omicron efficacy: . More, sort of: . So the second article misses the point made in the first article. This continues to raise the question whether people at the Journal read their own reporting.

Another angle on the Zero COVID problem in Hong Kong: . This article argues that the Zero COVID strategy discouraged people from vaccination, making the current surge worse. The strategy also fails to prioritize vulnerable groups, such as the elderly. This leads to misallocation of resources.

Japan’s Omicron surge grows: .

COVID variant risk highlighted by emergence of new, more virulent HIV strain: . Experts are now emphasizing the message we have shouted for some time. There is every possibility the new variants of COVID could be both more virulent and more deadly than existing strains. Those experts who have argued that COVID will necessarily become less deadly over time, and have analogized it to the flu, are simply wrong. The COVID virus focuses on reproduction and transmission. Once that occurs, the death of the host is irrelevant.

Non-COVID hospital patients’ Omicron cases surged during virus surge: . It appears obvious that hospital procedures regarding air filtration and staff movement need strengthening.

The COVID isolation problem in neonatal ICU’s: .

Why OJ’s COVID racism matters: . Increased attacks against Asian Americans are connected to calling COVID “the Chinese virus”. That, of course, does not matter to a narcissistic fool.

The natural immunity mirage: . This study result seems obvious. But the study was needed to convince the (anti-vax) conservatives in Israel that natural immunity generates less protection than post-infection vaccination.

Dangerous infant formula recalled: . WSJ: More: .

KinderNotCare: . Hey, 2-year-olds are small, easy to overlook … what’s the problem?

Sacklers raise contribution to imperiled Purdue opioid settlement: . These mass murderers should be behind bars, let alone bankrupt. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: NY Fed president argues against 50 basis point increase: . When everyone agrees you’re behind the curve, this timidity would put the Fed farther behind. Such timidity would damage perceptions of the Fed.

Biden says he’s “convinced” Putin will invade Ukraine: . As noted here previously, Biden has been smart to let Putin prove him wrong if it avoids a ground war in Europe. And this strategy would have been inconceivable to the prior “administration”.

Poetic justice – OJ gets squeezed: . There is only one strategy in the OJ camp, and that is to run out the clock. But zero hour approaches. More: . Still more: OJ can be sued over role in January 6 insurrection: . WSJ: We fail to see the irony here: .

Another problem for the OJ Fake News Factory: . Gee, OJ committed a federal crime. I’m so not shocked. The only defense I see is that he is too dumb to know what he was doing. That is quite viable, although it’s not a legal defense.

Youngkin off to a less than sterling start in Virginia: . Sterling, Virginia, is just outside Washington, DC .

WSJ: A Zooming error rate: . The hourglass story near the end of this article is truly funny and ironic simultaneously.

IOC takes a drubbing on Olympic performance: . As we have noted, corruption is rife and on display in this Olympics. And the IOC now finds itself at the center of the criticism. This Olympics continues to be a deep embarrassment to the Olympic movement.

WSJ: We start to come to our senses on what’s happening at the Olympics: . Given the broad-based “mainstream media” coverage of the problems, the Journal should adopt a new slogan: “A day late and a dollar short”. Ownership by Rupert Murdoch is a poison pill the Journal is increasingly failing to overcome.

WSJ: China real estate developer contagion continues: .