News for February 16 — Higher Estrogen Lowers COVID Mortality

Higher estrogen lowers COVID mortality: .

Beauty and the immune system: . Actually, the converse makes more sense to me, and it supports the theory in the article. Specifically, lack of attractiveness could reflect a medical problem, which would have a positive correlation with immune system deficiencies.

US Omicron immunity level now at 73%: . We have to dig deeper to understand what is being said here. The article states that Johns Hopkins scientists project 75% of Americans will be infected by Omicron. How that possible with the stated immunity level?

My sense is that immunity here is being defined broadly as protection from severe disease – so, protection from hospitalization. This still would miss three key points. First, immunity wanes over time – it’s regularly boost or risk more serious disease. Second, omicron appears to have a more significant reinfection risk than previous variants. And third, long COVID is estimated to affect 30% of those infected. While that may not mean immediate hospitalization, it can mean years of serious health problems.

CDC plans to update mask guidance: . It becomes increasingly difficult to determine what “following the science” means to this administration.

WSJ: Texas sues over airport mask mandate: . Obviously, airports are part of the interstate commerce system. This is apparently an attempt to enforce some sort of protected liberty. Well, or just more political posturing from Ken Paxton.

Polling results on vaccine efficacy: . So even among vaccinated Americans, knowledge of the science here is not that high.

New COVID cases decline around the world: . Um, 75,000 deaths a week would not be my view of “stabilized”.

Omicron BA2 gaining ground globally: .

Omicron overwhelms Hong Kong hospitals: . Again, Zero COVID is toast in the face of Omicron. WSJ: A different view: . Um, China is experiencing substantial disruption, threatening the global supply chain. And Zero COVID is not going well right now. Do you folks read the news?

COVID soars in restriction-free Denmark: . So this feels like round 6000 of the “re-opening too early” saga. Sure, it’s a lesson, but one no politician is willing to learn. By the way, this is likely Omicron BA2.

Highly virulent variant of HIV circulating in the Netherlands: . Obviously, this is not good news.

Fed debates faster rate hikes: . I am still in favor of 50 basis points in March and 2 more rate hikes in 2022. And, looking at this discussion, that is a moderate-to-dovish position.

The appalling behavior of the San Francisco Police Department: . This is beyond low, as well as being incredibly sexist.

Sharks circle an Orange Roughy: . The withdrawal of Mazars has created a fatal question around Orange Julius’ finances: . If his financial statements are fraudulent (duh), his lenders may seek repayment. As interest rates rise, the resulting squeeze on the highly leveraged OJ Organization will be crushing. OJ’s response, that his assets are far more valuable than what the balance sheet shows, only emphasizes the problem.

Two observations here show the depth of this problem. When years ago OJ claimed to be worth $3 billion, Forbes consistently rated his wealth at $2 billion or less. OJ lied about this to raise his place on the Forbes list. Second, please remember that the Feds sunk Al Capone on tax evasion. That is where Letitia James is headed: . And OJ’s white supremacy attack is desperate and ill-advised.

Letitia James returns fire from OJ: . OJ’s attorneys desperately need for him to shut the hell up. Good luck with that.

WSJ: Meanwhile, the Palin judge screws up: . So this pretty much eviscerates the value of letting the case go to the jury.

What Putin wants in Ukraine: . None of the experts mention the unity of the West against a Russian invasion. In this regard, Putin’s gambit has failed because he united the West. This has reduced the danger to Kyiv, but not necessarily to eastern Ukraine.

The endgame in Ukraine: . Putin has put a ton of troops in Crimea. But will he keep them there?

Olympics TV ratings remain at half the level of the 2018 Winter Olympics: . Again, I have very little interest in these games.

The Russians have discredited the Olympics – again: . The brazenness of doping a 15-year-old won’t go unpunished. And the “procedural” ruling allowing her to compete is an ongoing embarrassment.

The Big Boom: . So, although not from the new Webb Telescope, here’s a great picture of the remnants of a supernova.