News for February 9 — Omicron BA2 Gains Ground Globally

Omicron BA2 gains ground globally: . The WHO believes BA2 is about 1/3 more transmissible than the currently dominant Omicron subvariant, BA1. BA2 is also showing greater ability to avoid vaccine protection. In short, it is (still) way too soon to consider the pandemic over.

US case fatalities higher than rest of developed world: . Note that our case fatality rate is worsening compared to the rest of the developed world. The reason for this is abundantly obvious – we have fallen further and further behind other developed countries in the percentage of the population vaccinated. Period. Full stop.

And the reason for this is also abundantly obvious – GOP voters have accepted the idea that a vaccine mandate impinges on their freedom. But which freedom is that, exactly? Freedom from social responsibility? That is apparently the same freedom involved in the mask protests. The problem is, that’s not a protected right. The fools who have bought into this nonsense endanger themselves (maybe their right) and all of the rest of us (definitely not their right).

WSJ: US COVID hospitalizations down 30%: .

The nature of the immune response to COVID: .

Latest international COVID rules for US travelers: .

OJ returns fire from Mitch McConnell: . Here is the central problem the GOP faces, from a familiar angle. If you criticize OJ, you create press coverage for OJ. Politically, this is absolutely the last thing McConnell wants. Presumably, he has made the decision to move against OJ now to lower press interest in this topic before the Republican primaries. Good luck with that.

US National Archives requests DOJ legal probe of Orange Julius document destruction: . Pick your comment: (1) Let’s vote on where DOJ puts the probe; (2) The National Archives orders OJ for breakfast. We all know the charges are true. This behavior was widely reported during the OJ reign by the White House staff.

Meanwhile, the January 6 committee subpoenas certified nut Peter Navarro: . It is never a good idea to write a book about your participation in sedition. Navarro is about to find that out. Navarro takes the “run out the clock” option: .

Speaking of certified nuts: . Something is very wrong with these parents.

Joe Rogan embellishes his nut certification: . Here is Rogan’s 3-part syllogism: (1) I have always been a racist asshole; (2) No one called me on it before; therefore (3) what’s happening to me now is an unfair political hit job. Well, (1) is indisputable. But (2) is true only because nobody cared who you were. And (3) has no logical relationship to the first two. So, two parts of your bridge fell into the river. And you were on the bridge at the time.

Rob Gronkowski goes shopping: . It seems clear that he is not interested in returning to Tampa Bay.

Bob Saget’s cause of death: . How do you inadvertently hit the back of your head on something? Forehead I understand. The only thing that comes to mind is somehow striking your head on the bottom of a desk drawer. But hard enough to kill yourself? We just don’t have the full story here. WSJ: More: . For once, the Journal does add a useful detail. The idea of a brain bleed does make more sense, although it would seem such a fatal strike would be below the skull.