News for January 9 — Citigroup Begins Vaccine Mandate Enforcement

Citigroup begins vaccine mandate enforcement this Friday: . Regardless of legal challenges to federal rules, there is no question that employers can voluntarily adopt mandates.

Monoclonal antibodies may not be useful against Omicron: . In the months it has taken to ramp up manufacturing capabilities, the continued appearance of new variants has dealt us Omicron. Omicron may evade  antibody treatment.

AOC tests positive for COVID: . And the nuts on the right find yet another target for their appalling behavior. One breakthrough infection proves nothing about the vaccine, as even minimally educated people know.

Natural immunity “isn’t really panning out”: . Actually, this article is a gentle attempt to convince conservatives to drop this ridiculous, anti-science BS.

WSJ: The unknown names of the major COVID vaccines, revealed: . Pfizer’s vaccine is called Comirnaty. Moderna’s is Spikevax.

Moderna launches phase I trial for new Epstein-Barr vaccine: .

A quarter of US hospitals facing severe staffing shortages: .

WSJ: Labs ration COVID tests: . This is no way to run a pandemic.

WSJ: US seven-day daily case average exceeds 700,000: . That means there are 5 million new cases a week, and rising. But that’s 1½% of the US population in a single week!

St. Louis has sixth straight record day of COVID hospitalizations: . However, the numbers given in the article suggest the increase may be plateauing.

LA County continues to set daily COVID case records: .

AbbVie ‘s experimental lung cancer drug receives Breakthrough Therapy Designation from FDA: .

Americans believe we are in the midst of a mental health crisis: . I absolutely agree. The culprit is a cocktail that is one part pandemic, one part Orange Julius.

Royal Caribbean pauses some cruises: . The cruise line says this action reflects “an abundance of caution”. Absolutely nothing about cruise operations suggests an abundance of caution when it comes to passenger health. More: . Just FYI, Norwegian is owned by Royal Caribbean.

Hindenburg shorts Royal Caribbean: . This apparently innocent investment note appears here because it deserves recognition for irony. How bad off is the cruise industry when the world’s most famous blimp bets against it?

WSJ: France confronts Omicron with insults: . But in a weird way, the French response seems culturally appropriate. Meanwhile, the US Supreme Court is likely to turn away from mandates, which even the Journal admits is the most effective policy to save lives. This is indeed the new Dark Ages.

Anti-vax protestors rally across Europe: .

WSJ: Omicron challenges China’s COVID Zero strategy: . The expense and disruption caused by these massive lockdowns shows this to a questionable policy. And there is every chance Omicron will evade the strategy, especially with the upcoming Olympics.

Supply chain problems hit new home construction: . This would seem to suggest that when supply chain problems are eased, the current inflationary spiral in home prices will taper off. Indeed, with increasing interest rates, we might quickly go from shortage to glut.

Plea deal for guy who bought assault weapon for Kyle Rittenhouse: .

WSJ: Chuck Schumer politely tells the Journal you’re full of crap: . Nowadays, the US right is almost never right about anything. But once again they’ll find a way to look away from the truth.

Ron Johnson breaks his promise to voters, announces bid for third term: . So, Ron, I value the truth. You certainly do not. That is why I intend to support your Democratic opponent, whoever that is.

WSJ: Kazakhstan upheaval update: . More: . Still more: . And: .

Dwayne Hickman passes at 87: . So for the whippersnappers out there, the show “Dobie Gillis” had a wacky character named Maynard B. Krebs. This was the first big break for Bob Denver, whom you know as Gilligan.

Bob Saget passes at 65: . His tribute has been written by the people who knew him: “One of the nicest people …”, over and over. That is a marvelous legacy to shoot for. WSJ: More: .