News for January 7 — Omicron Could Have Precipitous Decline

Omicron could have “precipitous decline” in US: . Because South Africa’s population is so much younger than the US population, we don’t know. But hope is growing after the UK also has seen a pattern like South Africa’s. The CDC director did note that there is no conclusive evidence that you are protected against Omicron reinfection. However, as an Omicron infection has been found to protect you against Delta, it seems likely that patients are also protected against Omicron.

Did Omicron come from mice?: . No. I have called out Mr. Scribner’s errors repeatedly in the past. For this to make any sense, you would have to establish a reservoir of Omicron in mice, and some data demonstrating it jumped from mice to humans. There is no such information in the Chinese paper. The theory that Omicron evolved in an immunocompromised person is backed by considerable circumstantial evidence. And China is pretty much the last place anyone would look for COVID evolution information.

DeMentis confirms up to 1 million COVID tests expired in Florida test stockpile: . I have called out Nigeria for having to destroy 1 million donated vaccine doses. How could any US state possibly screw up the distribution of COVID tests? DeMentis needs to stop trying to impress Orange Julius voters and actually do his job.

Record child COVID hospitalizations raise concerns about MIS-C: . Long COVID is another concern.

WSJ: US COVID tests are still scarce: . You knew this, right?

How does drinking alcohol affect your COVID booster shot?: . Apparently, 2 years of pandemic affects reporters’ imaginations.

Omicron “good news”: . Well, Omicron does appear to be milder than Delta, and that is very good news indeed. However, we are seeing considerable stress on the hospital system in many areas. This seems to be more of a puff piece than new information or analysis.

WSJ: Omicron surges in UK, but cases are milder: .

The Brits say a fourth COVID shot is not needed yet: . Their data suggests that “yet” is the operative word here. Again, failure to prevent infection means transmission increases. That is a meaningful problem.

WSJ: Supreme Court appears skeptical of vaccine mandates: .

QAnon star writes her own obituary: . Yes, I know, natural selection gains steam.

WSJ: Weak December hiring: .

At least 81 states and cities increasing their minimum wage this year: . Fast food may climb in price.

Insurrectionist now accused of killing pedestrian when driving while intoxicated: . She was driving the wrong way on an interstate highway.

Cyber Ninjas, the GOP Arizona audit firm that found a wider margin for Biden, shuts down: . WSJ: More: . Once again, the wheels of justice may grind slow, but they do grind fine. These incompetents may now experience considerable economic pain for this farce. And speaking of fine grinding …

Ahmaud Arbery murderers are sentenced: life in prison: . WSJ: More: . The prosecution here was more than competent. These three men chased down a (black) jogger, held him at gunpoint with no evidence of anything, and then shot him when he resisted. A tough sentence, no doubt, but these killers deserve severity.

Mom gets 3 months in prison for taking her 14-year-old into the Capitol during the insurrection: .

WSJ: Chinese real estate developer contagion is spreading: .

WSJ: Kazakhstan upheaval continues to grow: . More: .

Sidney Poitier passes at 94: . Poitier proved that someone can come from humble beginnings and still lead an elegant and meaningful life. However, having movie star good looks doesn’t hurt. WSJ: More: . More: .

WSJ: Karen Ferguson passes at 80: . The pension actuaries will likely recognize her name and work.