News for December 5 — Omicron Explodes in Denmark

Omicron explodes in Denmark: . The evidence continues to build that Omicron is an extremely contagious virus.

WSJ: Fast-tracking Omicron vaccine approvals: . The Journal fails to cover the salient points here. When an mRNA vaccine is modified, the only thing that changes is the mRNA strand. All of the other components remain the same. Since the mRNA strand is much less than a complete virus, there is very little change in the risk profile relative to the original vaccine.

More babbling about COVID’s future: . Science is supposed to work from data. COVID is not seasonal now, and there is no evidence it will become seasonal. The only correlation is that when large numbers of people spend time together indoors with poor ventilation, the virus is likely to spread. There is no reason to compare COVID to influenza or to presume these families of viruses will follow similar paths. There is also no evidence that COVID will become less deadly as it mutates. And Omicron appears to be much more contagious than influenza.

We do need to reduce the global viral load in order to reduce the opportunities for mutation. The clearest path to that is vaccinating as many people as possible. I also believe that immunocompromised patients with COVID should be kept in isolation until the disease resolves. They have a very increased risk of generating mutations.

WSJ: Omicron surveillance across the US: . As to genomic sequencing, we have improved from freaking ridiculous to woefully inadequate. For example, the 1% testing rate in Oklahoma means that when Oklahoma discovers its first case of Omicron, there is a 50-50 chance that there are 50 or more other cases already in the state. So “woefully inadequate” is probably too generous.

Norwegian’s COVID cruise docks in New Orleans: .

Another “genius” plan to get a vaccination card without the vaccine: . Fake cards can get you in trouble. Following a vaccination by a “vaccine detox” does not stop the effects of vaccination, so I’m fine with that. But now we have an Italian dentist showing up for his appointment with a prosthetic arm, hoping the nurse will not notice and inject this inanimate object. It’s probably best he’s unable to practice dentistry without vaccination. Apparently his brain is also an inanimate object.

Health insurance surcharge for unvaccinated Nevada public workers: . The surcharge looks to cover the cost of regular COVID testing.

Belgian police use tear gas, water cannons against COVID protesters: . Of course, the use of tear gas causes prolonged coughing and eye and throat irritation. All of these things promote the spread of COVID in the crowd.

WSJ: South African vaccination struggles: . I am glad to see the Journal publicize this problem, which we have been reporting on over time. The WHO and COVAX, in complaining about putting more vaccines into South Africa, demonstrate appalling ignorance of the facts on the ground. Bizarrely, fear of Omicron may overcome the population’s distrust of the government and vaccines. This may help use the existing oversupply before it expires.

WSJ: The largest mutual fund on Wall Street: . The Vanguard Total Market Index Fund (VTSAX) has $1.3 trillion in assets and is based on the CRSP index. If you haven’t heard of this, you should read the article. This behemoth can move the markets in surprising ways. Its assets represent about 2.8% of the total US stock market.

WSJ: Conservative economists tie themselves in knots: . No analysis is necessary to understand that “deglobalization” is inflationary. We lose access to more efficient supply chains and cheap foreign labor. The article admits that this stupidity is one of OJ’s brain farts, but attempts to shift blame to Biden for not unwinding this mess fast enough.

Recall that OJ was doing this to bring back American jobs. But the economists complain this just gives more power to American workers. Right. We wouldn’t want to lessen our leverage over the people we ask to do the work. But also, automation increasingly eliminates manual work. We may bring back the work, but we certainly won’t bring back many of the jobs. Do these economists read or think, or do they just opine?

The roof falls in on Chris Cuomo: . With zero details, this allegation cannot be evaluated yet. WSJ: More: .

Bob Dole passes: . WSJ: More: .

College football rankings: . So the final rankings match the prediction given here yesterday, and ESPN agrees. WSJ: More: .