News for December 2 — Omicron Marches to World Domination

Omicron marches to world domination: . We currently have a plague of doctors making predictions on very little information. This doctor is referred to as an infectious disease doctor, but that probably does not make him an epidemiologist. Regardless of his qualifications, I would agree that Omicron is a very worrisome development. As indicated yesterday, best current evidence is that Omicron is more transmissible than the highly infectious Delta.

Severity is unknown because South Africa has a young population. However, hospitalizations are rising there. We have no information on one critical factor, which is the percentage of Omicron cases which are asymptomatic. Still, Omicron will be dangerous to the unvaccinated, and there are billions of those around the world.

UPDATE: Omicron now reported in 5 US states: . In addition to California, multiple cases have been found in New York, plus a case each in Colorado, Minnesota and Hawaii. The case in Hawaii involves a person with no recent travel history, so already there is community spread. The person in Minnesota recently attended a convention in New York, so community spread has apparently already arrived in New York. So within 24 hours of the first reported US case, we are losing containment.

Omicron hits at least 50 people at company party in Norway: . So Omicron will give new meaning to “superspreader”.

Omicron increases urgency of rapid testing use: . All the talk about testing may finally convert into action.

WSJ: Glaxo believes its antibody drug is effective against Omicron: . This seems rather preliminary.

Delta surges in Oklahoma: . Don’t forget the enemy in front of us.

Third military medical team sent to support Michigan hospitals: .

Iowa hits new yearly high in COVID hospitalizations: .

Nearly all Nebraska hospital patients unvaccinated: .

Missouri withheld data showing effectiveness of mask mandates: . Gosh, yet another GOP jerk governor crawls back under his rock.

Biden promotes boosters and testing to beat pandemic: . WSJ: More: .

Biden calls racism a public health threat: . Remember, HIV/AIDS creates risks for the evolution of the coronavirus.

WSJ: Latest information on COVID treatment options: .

The selfish among us who evade vaccination: . WSJ: More: . Note that Tampa Bay has lost two players for three games. The Buccaneers are 8-3 and lead their division (NFC South) by 3 games. The selfish and dishonest acts of two players now jeopardize the success of the team. Isn’t this just a microcosm of the US population’s behavior with a safe and effective vaccine during a pandemic?

WSJ: Latest international travel rules, by country: . More: .

Senate passes stopgap funding to defer government shutdown: . The dimwit behind the shutdown “idea” was of course Ted Cruz, the same dimwit behind the 2013 government shutdown: . In 2013, both sides detested Ted for the shutdown. Republican senators refused to lunch with him. So, OJ either further corrupted or rehabilitated Lyin’ Ted, depending on your point of view.

Meanwhile, GOP lawmakers look to edge away from OJ on policy: . It’s not much, but it’s a start.

“Big Lie” lawyers ordered to pay opponents’ legal fees: .

January 6 committee plans weeks of hearings in 2022: . Liz sounds like a prosecuting attorney, which is good.

WSJ: Andrew Cuomo subject of federal civil rights probe: .

Lawyer for assistant director backs up Baldwin claim of misfire: . I remain skeptical. I have fired guns, and handled loaded guns. Relative to Baldwin’s claims, I would always point a gun toward the ground whether or not I believed it was loaded. Most anyone would do the same. Obviously, guns are designed to not fire unless the trigger is pulled. If some special reason made this gun fire without the trigger being pulled, we have yet to hear it.

UPDATE: WSJ: Baldwin says gun fired when he pulled back and released hammer: . This completely changes his denial. Some Western guns will fire by fanning the hammer (you see this technique in some old Westerns). Depending on the design of the gun, this could be an intended method of firing. If so, this incident does not fit the category of a misfire. It would be “operator error”.

Carlos Santana has successful (unscheduled) heart surgery: . Santana is 74. I saw him in concert here in Portland in 2018; he was fabulous. If and when he gets back on the road, go out of your way to see him.