News for December 1 — Omicron Arrives in California

Omicron arrives in California: . WSJ: More: . We have more evidence of Omicron’s very infectious nature. It has now appeared in over two dozen countries. I don’t see how so many international travelers from South Africa are infected unless the distribution is higher in South Africa than currently reported. Also note that the Californian was fully vaccinated.

Perhaps a significant number of Omicron cases are asymptomatic. South Africa has an average population age of 28.0 (even younger than India at 28.7; the US average is 38.5).

Israel is first with Omicron analysis, but it is not useful: . When you have four actual cases, nothing can be said about morbidity or mortality. This article also draws the wrong conclusion about transmissibility. Even if Omicron is “only” 1.3 times as transmissible as Delta, that is a horrible result. Delta is considered to be one of the most transmissible diseases ever encountered. I realize we are all desperate for information, but this is ridiculous.

More on Omicron’s transmissibility: . Note also the South Africa went through a Delta spike just before Omicron emerged. So the chances of a combination of Delta and Omicron in a new variant are increasing.

WSJ: South Africa experiencing major COVID surge: . The real question is what percentage of these cases are Omicron. Also, the question raised about underreporting of cases is a further suggestion that Omicron may have a significant percentage of asymptomatic cases. And, as suggested above, the number of international travelers infected indicates underreporting of Omicron in South Africa.

Saudi, UAE report first Omicron cases: . Ditto for Norway: . We have at least 27 countries finding Omicron. We can pretty much assume this variant will be global before the end of the month. However, travel restrictions still make sense as a way to slow the spread.

Mask-wearing cuts COVID risk by 53%: .

US to tighten rules for entering travelers: . Multiple sources indicate Biden will announce the changes Thursday.

Another anti-vax conservative broadcaster, Marcus Lamb, bites the dust from COVID: . While I have some sympathy for those misled by the anti-science lies of the far right, I really have none for those who make their living broadcasting this dangerous stupidity. Here the truth has marched in. The result is the Silence of the Lamb.

More misinformation from Herb Scribner of Deseret News: . I am fed up with straightening this guy out. The problem is, his content is rebroadcast by more widely known and trusted services (here MSN). The problem here is in the headline, which is what MSN and other services show. But the article is making something out of nothing. As the article notes, the Dutch found Omicron cases dating back 11 days from Tuesday, which is before South Africa ANNOUNCED finding Omicron. The Dutch samples date from November 19 and 23: . The South African sample dates from November 7, 12 or more days before the Dutch samples. The date was in the initial South African announcement.

However, there is now a report of a sample in Nigeria from October 2021: . But this sample apparently came from an incoming international traveler. The country of origin is not described here. So as far as we know, the ultimate conclusion may be that Omicron was spreading widely in South Africa before November 7.

It is not that difficult to identify the date information provided above. Deseret News and Herb Scribner need to do a better job instead of churning out sensationalized, inaccurate content.

DoD rejects Oklahoma request for Guard vaccine mandate exemption: . Another volley of GOP political crap goes up in flames.

WSJ: OECD raises global inflation forecast: .

Stacey Abrams announces for Georgia governorship: . WSJ: More: . This is likely to be another close contest. However, Abrams’ success in registering voters and Georgia’s move toward the Democratic column bodes well for her.

WSJ: January 6 select committee votes to hold Jeffrey Clark in contempt: . This article clarifies that Clark will testify on Saturday. After that, the committee will re-evaluate the contempt citation.

WSJ: Symone Sanders to depart Harris’ team: . This is the second recent high-profile departure. It suggests things are not well in the Harris camp.

OJ caught lying, again: . To make the best case for OJ, he apparently tested positive 3 days before the debate. He then retested, resulting in a negative test. The debate participants were requested to have a negative test before their appearance. So in this best case for OJ scenario, the OJ campaign failed to disclose a positive test preceding the debate. What an insufferable, immoral piece of crap Orange Julius is, has been and will always be.

Search for source of live ammo given to Alec Baldwin continues: . WSJ: More: . How can a gun fire if no one pulled the trigger? Also, if you have handled a gun, you normally point it away from others even when you don’t intend to fire. Aspects of Baldwin’s explanation don’t seem to add up.