News for November 30 — The Path Forward on Omicron

The path forward on Omicron: . The preliminary evidence is that Omicron is more transmissible than any previous variant. So far, the evidence on Omicron’s severity is mixed and too limited to draw conclusions. WSJ: More: .

The risk not being discussed is the possible combination of Omicron and other variants. Again, because South Africa has a large HIV population, combination is a significant possibility. Should this occur, Omicron’s transmissibility could combine with Delta’s severity. We should therefore plan on Omicron and further variations to be at least as severe as Delta.

WSJ: Rapid policy response made ahead of scientific data: . The Journal’s headline is really offensively ignorant. South Africa announced the new variant a week ago. To say science “lags behind” is preposterous.

Moderna head expects drop in vaccine effectiveness against Omicron: . Global stock markets sold off in response to these comments. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Regeneron says its monoclonal antibody drug loses effectiveness against Omicron: . This news, while predicted, bodes poorly for the next few months.

WSJ: Will T-cells hold the line against Omicron?: . I agree with the skeptics. We simply do not know whether T-cells will protect us until we have data.

Brazil and Japan report first Omicron cases: . Together with the case in the French Overseas Territories, it appears the list of 20 countries with cases is now 23. We have never seen a new variant spread globally this rapidly. Once again, reopening appears to have been premature. WSJ: More: .

Most larger employers will proceed with vaccine mandates: . Remember, employers can do this voluntarily. For those who wish to protect their workers, the mandate leads to the safest workplace.

Arkansas sees major COVID case increase: . I agree that this may be caused by people deferring testing over Thanksgiving. We regularly saw a weekend effect in US data last year.

Administration considers stricter testing for everyone traveling to US: . WSJ: More: .

FDA panel narrowly backs oral antiviral Molnupiravir: . Remember that the latest data on Molnupiravir shows reduced effectiveness. WSJ: More: .

Fauci says COVID diverted resources from HIV/AIDS fight: . Again, in my view a major variant development risk has been immunocompromised individuals. As such, the loss of HIV resources may have fostered the development of multiple variants in southern Africa.

WSJ: Hospital pricing disparities continue: . The purpose of requiring price disclosure is to unwind this ridiculous charge structure. Some price disparity is warranted, for example in rural hospitals, but certainly not 10-to-1. This problem has existed for decades.

Also, the best care typically occurs at the hospitals providing the most procedures (practice makes perfect). And these hospitals typically do not charge the most for these procedures in their area (not exactly, but like a volume discount). The government needs to aggressively enforce disclosure. (Actuaries: please note this article has been updated from the community distribution earlier today.)

US global vaccine coordinator leaves role: . With the rapid advance of Omicron and the possible need for a new vaccine, this seems like a very odd time to leave. This feels like there is more to this story.

Bloomberg’s silliness about China: . If anyone in China is basking in the face of Omicron, they are dumber than we thought. As the article notes, COVID Zero is having an increasingly difficult time with Delta already. China’s central problem is low vaccine effectiveness, and that has not gone away.

WSJ: Global economic impact of Omicron: . There seems to be resistance to the idea that Omicron significantly reduces the effectiveness of current vaccines. Yes, we can retool, but that may take 6 months or more to get to significant vaccination levels with the new vaccine. As such, the potential downside of Omicron appears underestimated. More: WTO fiddles as globe burns: . Have these people heard of Zoom? In-person meetings are so 2019.

US consumer confidence continues to fall: . Holiday sales are facing a lot of headwinds. Businesses struggling to survive the pandemic are taking another body blow. Another indicator: Cyber Monday sales fall for the first time ever: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Inflation worsens in Eurozone: .

More violence against female members of Congress: . WSJ: More: . Debbie Dingell has been speaking out against the threats. That may have made her a target. This also emphasizes how dangerous and appalling Lauren Boebert’s attacks on Ilhan Omar are. UPDATE: And the situation has escalated: .

CNN suspends Chris Cuomo indefinitely: . WSJ: More: . Chris was apparently both helping his brother’s advisors and presenting the news. This was never a good look, and got worse as the scandal deepened.

Kenny Wells turns himself in: . Remember, Wells is a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. Even if you assume he forgot the gun was in the bag, he can’t have it under any circumstances. So Kenny’s future looks grim.

Mark Meadows begins cooperation with January 6 select committee: . Meadows’ cooperation may turn out to be less than hoped. In the past, witnesses have partially cooperated as a deliberate strategy to defuse Congressional legal action. Here, however, the claim of executive privilege by a former president acting in hostility to the government is laughable. Meadows may just be moving to Plan B. WSJ: More: .