News for November 28 — Omicron and Travel Restrictions Spread

Omicron and travel restrictions spread globally: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . And: .

Airlines scramble as Omicron rapidly degrades travel outlook: . WSJ: More: .

Pandemic to cost travel industry $2 trillion in 2021: .

WSJ: Vaccine makers study Omicron: .

Will Omicron have milder symptoms than Delta?: . While this initial indication raises hope, the doctor sees patients under 40 with Omicron. But Delta is deadliest among those over 50. Also, we have seen mutations which represent crossover between two variants. Suppose Omicron is very highly transmissible, and Delta somehow acquires Omicron’s spike protein. In technical terms, we may be screwed.

WSJ: Q&A on Omicron: .

South Africa faces Omicron: . Note that South Africa has a low vaccination rate. One commentator suggests their choice is between mandatory vaccination and massive infection. Massive infection means an enormous load of Omicron in the population, which in turn increases the possibility of further mutation.

Germany confirms third case of Omicron: . Germany was already enduring a fourth wave of COVID before the announcement of Omicron.

Emergency G7 meeting on Omicron: . WHO remains hopelessly out of touch with both the politics and the science. Border closures will continue throughout this pandemic because people want action. Government leaders wish to look like they are taking action. And travel bans will slow the spread. The logic is quite obvious, really.

So how contagious is Omicron?: . As South Africa performs genetic analysis on 1% of its cases, Omicron may have been around for a while before the first case was detected. But the indications suggest high transmissibility.

Ted Cruz tweet on Omicron proves he’s still an idiot: . I love seeing this fool punch himself in the face.

Why did WHO skip Nu and Xi to name Omicron?: . Quite obviously, choosing Xi would be a bad look in China. Not skipping Nu would have really highlighted the problem when another variant emerged. But Ted Cruz and Don Jr. saying this is weakness on the part of WHO? What fools these GOP mortals be.

Global markets continue drop in Monday activity: .

Smokey Robinson nearly smoked by COVID: .

Flat US Black Friday spending: . We see renewed uncertainty around how supply chain issues will affect US holiday shopping.

Matthew McConaughey declines Texas governor race: .

WSJ: Why Evergrande continues to represent the serious potential for contagion in China’s real estate sector: . Copying success can indicate a flawed business plan when it involves significant leverage.

WSJ: More fallout from college football’s chaotic Saturday: . The real problem is that no contender has emerged for Georgia. The No. 1 Bulldogs will likely emphasize that point when they meet Alabama next week. Michigan is a deserving No. 2, because who else is there? Cincinnati and Notre Dame gag most fans.