News for November 15 — Long COVID in Children

Long COVID in children: . COVID is not innocuous in children. This ridiculous misconception was promoted by our former Inject-Bleach-in-Chief. Note that the doctor here wants his under-5 patient to receive a vaccination. There has been considerable reporting that the vaccination helps a significant percentage of individuals suffering from long COVID.

Winter COVID surge: . We have too many unvaccinated people in this country. Some of them will die from COVID in the next few months.

Arkansas governor expands booster access to everyone over 18: .

UK extends booster access to those over age 40: .

The focus on boosters: . So we know have a media that seeks out varying points of view, which is okay. But attention seekers then say things to meet that standard and get publicity. This doctor is an emergency room doc; he has no special expertise in pandemic management. The boosters do counteract waning immunity. Their administration protects the patient (job 1) and also reduces breakthrough infections. This last point does encourage the reluctant to get vaccinated.

The one point on which I agree with this doctor is that special effort should be made to get boosters to the most vulnerable. But that requires MORE attention to boosters, not less.

COVID Delta Plus now found worldwide, but over 90% of cases are still in the UK: .

More on Medicare Part B increase: . This reporting is a significant improvement over the prior reporting provided here. These reasons make logical sense. They also give some hope that the questionable Alzheimer’s drug will not undermine Medicare’s funding.

WSJ: The mandate debate continues: .

COVID misinformation in Alaska: . This highlights a central threat to democracy globally. We must get a handle on how to shut down those who intentionally spread misinformation. Some powerful folks are pushing back against this threat: .

WSJ: California and Amazon settle over COVID notifications: .

Ivermectin casualty: . Texas takes a small step toward COVID sanity.

WSJ: Schools embrace test-to-stay model: .

Three snow leopards die of COVID: . Zoos are vaccinating their at-risk populations. Who screwed up protecting these endangered animals?

Dutch COVID surge pressures hospitals: .

Italy police move against anti-vaccine activists: . So are these violent people really anti-vaccine activists or anarchists taking an opportunity?

Biden signs infrastructure bill: . More on Mitch Landrieu and infrastructure implementation: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

FAA issues large fines against unruly passengers: . No one wants to be on a plane with a violent individual. These fines could buy a medium-priced new car.

Is “Antiwork” a thing?: . This sounds like “Failure to Launch” 15 years later. Burn-out is a great reason to change jobs, but few can afford to simply leave the workforce for good.

The Arbery defendants look to be toast: . The defense complaints about Black pastors in the courtroom tell me a few things. It could be that these lawyers are that racist. More likely they realize that the defendants at best look like incompetent vigilantes who murdered an unarmed jogger. The lawyers are therefore looking for issues for an appeal. But this was a terrible choice. They have 11 whites on a rural Georgia jury: . Their best choice is to take their chances with the jury. Part of that is not pissing off the judge.

Meanwhile, the Rittenhouse prosecutors are in trouble: . We know this because Friday they asked for consideration of lesser charges. The bigger risk for the country is whether armed nuts will be emboldened to try to get away with murder. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

UK hospital blast declared a terror incident: . Note that 4 alleged associates have been arrested. The larger issue is that both the UK and the US are becoming increasingly violent societies. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: China shows increasing real estate weakness: . The important information about the real estate sector is in the second half of the article. More: .

WSJ: Beijing Stock Exchange opens: .

DOD fails fourth audit: . “Steady progress”? What audit process have you heard of where that’s an acceptable response?

The superpower struggle in Africa: . Africa will become more powerful over the next decades if for no other reason because of population growth.

The superpower Zoom summit: . At least this meeting went for 3 hours.