News for November 8 — Administration Defends Vaccine Mandate Rule

Administration defends worker vaccine rule: . On one level, this is a polite but forceful response to the Fifth Circuit’s ruling. On another, to ask that a circuit be chosen at random to decide for all the circuits is to suggest that the Fifth Circuit is not an impartial forum, which is (a) shocking and (b) true. The article says the Fifth Circuit is the most conservative circuit in the country, as this newsletter did previously. The White House has also urged private employers to voluntarily move forward with the employee mandate, which is not affected by the court ruling: .

Antibody drug shows significant COVID protection: . The economics of protection may flip the pandemic on its head. Vaccination is by far the least expensive protection against COVID. Middle and lower income countries will heavily rely on vaccination, especially as vaccines are almost the exclusive drug donated to COVAX.

This means that the future of COVID as an endemic disease will concentrate on countries with low vaccination rates or less effective vaccines (breakthrough infections). In the second category are Russia, China and the users of their vaccines. In the first category, long-term participants would be Russia, Eastern Europe and perhaps the United States, in particular the red states. Viewed differently, distrust of the government could kill you.

Pfizer to seek booster approval for everyone over 18: . I agree with Pfizer’s viewpoint. This approach should significantly reduce breakthrough infections.

Texas Health Department tells the truth: 92% of Texas COVID deaths were among the unvaccinated: . Here’s the actual report, dammit: . The facts demonstrate what we have been saying for months: Abbott in Texas and Costello-DeMentis in Florida are mass murderers. That is not political rhetoric. It is a horrifying fact. These clowns put their political future above the lives of the citizens they are elected and sworn to protect.

WSJ: Will COVID become endemic?: . Good grief. The Journal is apparently incapable of understanding what’s important here. Let’s re-sort their facts. (1) Elimination is currently impossible. Smallpox is the only disease eliminated from the human population, and it had no animal reservoir. And COVID is one of the most infectious diseases known; (2) No disease has remained in a permanent pandemic state – not even the Black Plague; (3) Therefore, it is a logical certainty that COVID will become endemic – the question is when.

Fear of COVID vaccine side effects raises the chance you will suffer side effects: .  At a certain level, this is an obvious manifestation of psychosomatic behavior. However, since a much larger percentage fear side effects than actually report them, you have to wonder. If all people really understood that vaccine side effects are extremely rare, wouldn’t those side effects become rarer still? Of course. So the self-delusion of the GOP is resulting in side effects that really are all in their head.

Red meat increases stroke risk: . Beef is something I deemphasized long ago, based on the personal health risk. The planet also benefits. Beef farming hurts the atmosphere, and cows produce a lot of methane. In particular, Brazil is clearing significant amounts of the Amazon rain forest to farm cattle.

US reopens to vaccinated travelers: . But note that “vaccinated” means with a US-approved vaccine, so those receiving Chinese or Russian vaccines are out. More: .

WSJ: COVID surges in Europe: . Good grief, Part 2. The major factors are a relatively low vaccination rate, the slow rollout of boosters, and people congregating indoors – in other words, what WSJ calls the “other factors”. The low natural immunity argument is a minor factor at best. Recheck the Texas article above if you need convincing.

China’s COVID Zero policy is losing containment as asymptomatic cases spread: . More: . While China’s case numbers are not high, this is not a good look 4 months in advance of the Winter Olympics. China’s central problem is that its vaccines are less effective than those developed in the West.

WSJ: China’s army supplies vaccines to foreign militaries: . I suppose the Chinese vaccines are better than nothing.

The potential pandemic eviction crisis: . The cities are disproportionately in the South, with 8 having more than 250,000 housing units. The 3 largest are Philadelphia (691,653), San Antonio (561,467), and Jacksonville (396,542). The 40 cities identified appear to reinforce previous findings that the Black population is disproportionately at risk of “pandemic eviction”: .

WSJ: China’s coming real estate hangover: . The hangover is not a risk, it’s a likelihood. China’s reduction in annual GDP growth will reduce global GDP growth as well. Also, China’s rapidly aging population is a significant and growing problem for its long-term growth prospects.

WSJ: Meanwhile, Evergrande buys a little more time: .

House January 6 committee subpoenas 6 more Trump campaign associates: . WSJ: More: . One guesses that another subpoena enforcement fight is brewing.

WSJ: US strikes back on foreign ransomware attackers: . If you come after us, we come after you.

Pentathlon to replace riding event over Olympic incident: . In a world exclusive, this newsletter provides special video of the offending behavior described in the article: . Shocking, indeed!