News for November 5 — Online COVID Denier Dies of COVID

Online COVID denier dies of COVID: . So for those of you who believe COVID is survival of the fittest in action, here is some strong evidence in your favor. He claimed his hot yoga studio would kill COVID (and lost his license). And he named the studio Delta Hot Yoga. The British Columbia health minister nails it in calling this guy a complete idiot.

WSJ: Schools will distribute and promote vaccines to students: . Another distraction issue for the GOP – Democrats are turning schools into drug pushers! And the vaccine contains a microchip that will make your kids spout critical race theory!

WSJ: Companies publicize vaccination requirements for new hires: .

Food prices rise around the world: .

WSJ: Pfizer touts new COVID antiviral drug: .

Dr. Gottlieb predicts end of pandemic – yet again: . So we have about 65 million adults and countless children who remain unvaccinated. Would you predict a country of 90 million people, all unvaccinated, would escape this global pandemic in two months? The kids will spread the disease, and many of the unvaccinated old folks will still die. Dr. Gottlieb has been a major disappointment lately.

WSJ: OSHA’s testing rules rule out self-administered tests: .

WSJ: States sue feds over vaccine mandates: . You have no case. Next!

Pets with COVID exhibit myocarditis: .

Denver Zoo reports its hyenas have COVID, a global first: . But the hyenas are not laughing.

Expectations of a strong jobs report met: . WSJ: More: . Widespread consensus expected the actual jobs figure to exceed predictions, which it did. Also, feds revised the September figure significantly upwards. Still, this job market puts prospective employees in the strongest bargaining position in years. So as employees are hired away by competitors, employers are under pressure to raise wages.

From my years as a pension consultant, the most common mistake employers make in this type of market is to advertise strong salaries to fill open jobs without making upward adjustments in the pay of their employees in comparable jobs. This is pretty much the quickest way to anger your workforce.

House FINALLY passes infrastructure bill: . This is a major piece of bipartisan legislation. Remember that 19 Republican Senators joined all 50 Democratic senators in passing this bill. Now finally Democrats can campaign on the benefits of this bill. Note that 13 Republican congressmen voted for the bill, which allowed 6 Democrats to vote against it. These 6 wanted to show their priority of passing the reconciliation package. However, every Democrat understands the party cannot fail to pass reconciliation. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Europe sticking with vaccine passports: .

China’s COVID Zero Tolerance approach will remain a major drag on the Chinese economy: . Every government in the world has had a poor record of COVID control because of unwavering focus on only one control measure. However, China’s central problem is that their vaccines are not that effective. And COVID is so contagious, there are breakthrough infections against every vaccine. So the Chinese have to get a more effective vaccine and call it a booster shot.

Evergrande sells jets for cash: . This doesn’t show any long-term survival strategy.

Will the toxic circle be broken?: . Regardless of Toobin’s Zoom call behavior, his legal analysis here is correct. So the networks are likely to argue that they were simply reporting the press conference of a public figure. Problem is, broadcasting that information without critical analysis means you’re spreading lies – and slander. This toxic circle is at the heart of the GOP’s divorce from the facts.

Colin Powell funeral services at National Cathedral: . WSJ: More: .

Set your clocks back 1 hour Saturday night!