News for November 4 — Vaccine Mandate Covers Most US Workers

Vaccine mandate covers most US workers: . Estimates are that 2/3 of US workers are covered by the federal mandate, which goes into effect January 4. Those outside of health care and the federal government have the option of weekly testing, but that is expensive. They also have to wear a mask at work. Stick it to ‘em, Joe. This is the safest and most efficient way to raise herd resistance to COVID. WSJ: More: . Still more: . And: . Do these dimwit retailers realize (a) the rules take effect January 4; and (b) more lockdowns just send their customers to Amazon? No. Still more: .

Vaccine effectiveness declines significantly over time: . Here is the original study: .

The pandemic is not over: . For the umpteenth time, vaccination levels do not even approach the level necessary to snuff out further outbreaks. We are 22 months into this, and few so-called experts make comments reflecting the facts.

Moderna lowers 2021 vaccine delivery estimate: . An important point skirted by the article is that Pfizer has consistently received approvals before Moderna. Pfizer also had considerable existing manufacturing and distribution capacity. The vaccine represents Moderna’s first and only product brought to market. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: UK authorizes Merck’s Molnupiravir: .

Colorado hospitals allowed to turn patients away during COVID surge: .

Mississippi nurse shortage grows: .

Germany reports record daily number of new COVID cases: .

Ukraine faces soaring COVID cases amid second-lowest vaccination rate in Europe: .

WSJ: China continues lockdown strategy: . Again, the only point of lockdowns is to buy time to vaccinate the population. China’s decision to export vaccines was a huge mistake.

Weekly unemployment claims continue to drift lower: . My view of these statistics has not changed. Claims continue to drop because so many people have run through their benefits. The key statistic in the article is that we continue to have 5 million less jobs than before the pandemic. WSJ: More: .

US labor market undergoing “seismic shift”: . Apparently some commentators are finally recognizing the economic dislocation we are currently working through.

WSJ: Latest summary of reconciliation package details: . But there’s still a hiccup or two: .

The Paul-Fauci show, episode 300: . While the Party of Orange Julius is a dangerous and ongoing threat to democracy, it didn’t have far to fall. Rand Paul and Flyin’ Ted predate OJ’s rise to power. When you become accepting of this level of disgusting dishonesty, any level of depravity becomes possible. Hence, OJ. QED.

Please remember, yesterday was the one-year anniversary of tossing the Orange Menace out of the White House. We will never go back.

DeMentis suggests election fraud police: . Pathetic Ronnie apparently was no longer the center of attention, so he re-ups his Idiot Olympics credentials. This is his re-election kick-off. There is no evidence of election fraud in Florida or anywhere else. Ronnie should be at work on the next Florida COVID surge, which is much more likely than discovery of election fraud. Well, except for the Bush mess in Florida in 2000 …

Tucker Carlson undergoes emergency back surgery: . Uh-huh. Actually, doctors removed his head from his ass, but say that based on his behavior, there is little hope the removal will last even 24 hours: .

WSJ: FAA refers 37 violent passengers for criminal prosecution: . It is about damn time.

Zillow stock craters: . And Bank of America says Zillow “is exiting a very risky and unprofitable business but it raises questions on management’s execution”. No s**t, Sherlock. The founder came back to the company 3 years ago to implement this “strategy”. They increased home purchases in the quarter before shutdown. The only question is whether management should be executed. That will likely happen sooner rather than later. At least that’s my Zestimate.

WSJ: Contagion risk growing in Chinese real estate development stocks: . Again, this is a $5 trillion risk to the Chinese and global economies.

WSJ: Roche buys back its shares from Novartis for $20.7 billion: . This strongly suggests acquisitions are just over the horizon for Novartis.

Juror dismissed from Rittenhouse trial: . The juror’s comments give the clear appearance of bias. Because the jury panel was 20, to be later reduced to 12, there is no lasting effect on the proceedings.