News for October 31 — CDC Confusing COVID Advice; COVID in Children

CDC confusing COVID advice: . This criticism has some validity, but the article overplays it. CDC’s messaging suffered under the OJ circus. The science of COVID has evolved rapidly, leading to some reversals in recommendations. And there are multiple messengers, which often leads to discrepancies. However, any article about accuracy should never reference Tucker Carlson, a leading promoter of disinformation.

The pediatrician who said booster promotion suggests vaccines are ineffective makes a serious error. Vaccines often require multiple doses, and it makes sense to protect the immunocompromised and elderly. Those groups have weakened immune systems – that is not a commentary on the vaccines. As to the general population, the evidence indicates they benefit from boosters. So boosters should be made available to them.

COVID in children: . I find much of this “advice” misleading. The percentage of cases affecting children has risen constantly throughout 2021. Kids now represent a higher percentage of cases than they do of the general population. Also, because of the huge number of cases, a significant number of children do become severely ill from COVID. Kids ages 5 to 12 will soon be eligible for COVID vaccines. So hopefully that will change the severity profile of COVID in children.

WSJ: FDA delayed Moderna vaccine approval for teens to consider myocardial risks: .

WSJ: How employers address religious exemptions to vaccine mandates: . I would agree that exemptions should be rare.

White House press secretary tests positive for COVID: . WSJ: More: .

Progressive Democrats continue push for Medicare drug price negotiation in reconciliation package deal: . More: . WSJ: More: .

NYC vaccination deadline arrives with 91% of workers at least partially vaccinated: . The mandates have worked. WSJ: More: .

Ongoing problems over COVID at Smithfield meat packing plant: . Smithfield is now owned by a Chinese company, WH Group.

Russia’s COVID death toll worsens even with partial lockdown: . Russia has hit a new daily high death toll almost every day in October. So Sputnik V has not prevented case numbers from going into orbit. Again, Russian skepticism of the government has led to very low vaccination rates.

China’s economy keeps slowing: . You could recast China’s policy as “Evergrande is not too big to fail”. Again, the risks of contagion in the real estate sector remain.

Gifted and talented programs: . Gifted and talented programs should be expanded, certainly not eliminated. Some children are able to proceed at a more rapid pace than others. They should be encouraged to do so.

WSJ: An analysis of groupthink: It’s not what you think: . This article argues that groupthink occurs most commonly not in close-knit groups, but in newly formed groups with the desire for cohesion.

The bad fan: . OJ is constitutionally incapable of telling the truth.

Red Sox broadcaster leaves us laughing: . Mentioned during tonight’s World Series game, Yahoo chose to remember Jerry Remy’s passing with amusing broadcasting clips. My favorite is the second clip in, with a guy pointing.