News for October 22 — Delta Plus Spreading in US

Delta Plus spreading in US: . Although Delta Plus cases are low, the trend is concerning.

WSJ: Judges generally allow vaccine mandates: .

WSJ: Health care workers who refuse to vaccinate: . In a pandemic, if you refuse to get vaccinated, you are endangering your patients. And the woman who is a conspiracy theorist has made her choice and needs to live with it.

Majority of Democrats now support lifting COVID restrictions: . So this remains in the hands of the states. However, according to public health principles, the caseload across the US remains too high to lift the restrictions.

California judge rules certain prison guards must be vaccinated: . The ruling applies to guards working in or near the prison’s health care facilities.

Amnesty International calls for Italian parliament to investigate nursing home handling of COVID: .

COVID cases jump sharply in Germany: .

Romania revives COVID restrictions as hospitals struggle with latest surge: . Note that vaccination levels are low in Romania.

Belarus COVID surge sets records as country scraps mask mandates: .

WSJ: Most voters don’t know what’s in Build Back Better Bill: . Duh. Congress doesn’t know what’s in the bill yet. If the Democrats had been publicizing free community college (for example), which is now out of the plan, they’d be in a world of hurt. Latest reporting on bill’s contents: .

US military strike kills senior al Qaeda leader in Syria: . The MQ-9 is a drone.

OJ donor Lev Parnas convicted of campaign finance crimes: . Once again, the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they grind fine. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Evergrande makes bond coupon payment 1 day ahead of default: . But as the details in the article make clear, this is at best a temporary reprieve.

Baldwin fired prop gun with live round: . As is painfully obvious, someone in the chain of custody for this weapon is guilty of gross negligence. The facts here suggest that Baldwin was performing on camera and discharged the weapon. The live round struck Halyna Hutchins in the back, passed through her chest, and struck Joel Souza.

The Nebra Sky Disk: . This is the most interesting short note (on anything) that I’ve seen recently. So this German artifact is believed to be the oldest concrete representation of the cosmos from anywhere in the world. Unearthed by looters, it changed hands in Germany several times before its existence became known. However, the police recovered it in a sting operation, and then traced back to apprehend the looters. The cherry on top: the looters appealed their sentences, and the appeals court increased their sentences.