News for October 19 — Pfizer Vaccine 93% Effective Against Hospitalization

Pfizer vaccine 93% effective against hospitalization in teens: .

COVID boosters not adjusted for Delta variant: . The science shows that the original vaccine is effective as a booster. Also, the companies are working on a Delta version. The two-path approach makes sense to me, especially if some unknown side effect shows up with the tweaked vaccine. Ultimately, of course the vaccine should be adjusted. Also, as described below, more infectious variants of Delta are appearing, so an update would be welcome.

Is there natural resistance to COVID infections in some people?: . This is possible. A lot of things are possible. Here’s the link to the original paper: . From what I can tell, the scientists have a theory they are exploring. This feels more like a request for a research grant than actual progress on the pandemic. As you may recall, I’ve previously wondered about this writer’s conclusions. Once again I don’t think there is malevolence here, but the writer would do well to run his theories by an expert before publication.

WSJ: Some employees want “natural immunity” to exempt them from vaccination: . No. As we have repeatedly reported, a booster shot for these people substantially raises their immunity. We must follow the science.

Vaccine news round-up: .

Public health suffers under COVID: . This article seems to me to miss the point. There are two key reasons for the departures: (1) chronic underfunding of public health; and (2) threats of violence against senior officials, which come exclusively from the Orange Julius base. These things can be straightened out once we get through the pandemic.

Supreme Court will not halt Maine health worker vaccine mandates: .

Over 99% of Connecticut state workers complying with vaccine mandates: .

Union says Union Pacific is railroading them over vaccine mandate: . Again, the Biden administration mandate for federal contractors strikes me as carefully crafted. This suit looks like a loser for the union. WSJ: More: .

OHSU says Oregon will reach herd immunity by mid-December: . Nope. The 85% figure is too low. One issue here is how (and when) you define the end of the pandemic, but this is just two months out. We will still have transmission and deaths at that time, and well beyond. Also, vaccination is recommended for persons who’ve had COVID, so there is a growing overlap between the vaccinated and “natural immunity”.

And, more infectious strains are not only possible, they are apparently already occurring: . OHSU needs to be using the Internet more effectively.

WSJ: Feds look to take over authority from 3 states on workplace safety: . The Biden administration has shown its willingness to assert its supremacy.

US Rep. Andy Harris wrote a prescription for ivermectin: . Uh-huh. Note that this loser is a practicing anesthesiologist. The pharmacies refused to fill the prescription, presumably because they realize this is malpractice.

US partial vaccination rates by religion: #3 – white Catholics at 79%; #2 – Latino Catholics at 86%; #1 – atheists at 90%. Since the overall US adult average is 79%, this implies (not surprisingly) that evangelicals are below the average.

Cincinnati Zoo vaccinates 80 animals: . None of the animals refused the shot.

COVID cases rise in England: . Note that the experts believe the problem is associated with waning immunity. This certainly indicates the vital nature of boosters in the US. England has higher vaccination levels of adults than does the US. Also, we should be doing careful analysis of who contracts a breakthrough infection. Age, gender, length of time since vaccination and underlying health conditions are obvious data collection items.

Britain reports the unvaccinated should expect to be reinfected every 16 months: . Again, so much for the natural immunity theory. As to vaccine efficacy, remember that Britain predominantly went with the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, which is less effective than the mRNA vaccines.

Have COVID lockdowns fueled British hate speech online?: . Everyone is tired of the pandemic.

New Zealand hits record number of COVID cases even with vaccination push: . Note that their record is now 94. While New Zealand’s population is 5 million, versus 67 million in Great Britain, lockdowns have done the trick in New Zealand. One hopes the rising numbers will encourage the hesitant to get the shot.

Brazilian senators consider genocide charges against OJ Jr.: . Again, I firmly believe that anti-science opposition to pandemic management is mass murder.

WSJ: Xi meets resistance on implementing property tax: . China is already looking at huge property company bankruptcies. A tax would reduce cash flow and likely lead to more failures. More: . The tipping point seems to be arriving.

WSJ: Brexit looks like a loser for the UK on global trade: .

Striketober: Union workers battle back: . Note that the unions have negotiated deals which the workers rejected. This comes from excessively unequal distribution of wealth in this country, a trend that has built up over at least a generation. We have one of the most unequal distributions of any country on Earth, and the data proves it: .

The most unequal distribution is in South Africa, which is rather remarkable as Nelson Mandela came to power in 1994: . Interestingly, Mandela’s middle name, given at birth, was Rolilahla, which means “troublemaker”.

And by the way, the left’s focus on taxing the rich is exactly on target. It is the best way to try to reduce this inequality over time. And by “best way”, I mean least disruptive to society. It is not the fastest, for sure.

COVID, stimulus scams net over $500 million: . This is really an insane amount of fraud.

WSJ: The nuclear comeback: . Uh-huh. It’s a clean alternative as long as you don’t count Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima.

Orange Julius proves once again that he is completely despicable: . Name the people OJ has praised. The list is very short – maybe just Ted Cruz, who he named Lyin’ Ted before Ted folded, and then called “Wonderful Ted”. The list of those OJ has criticized is quite long, including any member of the GOP who resists him. But the list of people he has criticized in death grows, as Colin Powell joins John McCain. OJ is without question a boil on the butt of American democracy.

WSJ: House January 6 Select Committee holds Bannon in contempt: . No surprise here. Bannon is one of the most contemptible people  the former GOP pooped out during the prior administration.

WSJ: No bail for Alex Murdaugh: . Remember that Mr. Murdaugh hired someone to kill him. More: .

Israeli diver finds sword from the Crusades: .