News for October 16 — Ivermectin Demanded for COVID Patients

Ivermectin demanded for COVID patients: . It’s a good thing that voters don’t decide legal cases. I suspect a majority would support injecting bleach into this lawyer. There is no evidence that ivermectin is effective in treating COVID. So stop with these attempts to force doctors to participate in unethical behavior.

Physician assistant’s license suspended over ivermectin prescriptions and other unprofessional behavior: . Medicine cannot be conducted using “alternative facts”.

Nebraska AG won’t take action against physicians prescribing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to COVID patients: . Democracies contain the danger of idiot officials behaving badly to improve their re-election chances. My sense is that this action will not result in disbarment, because AGs have considerable discretion over which cases they will pursue. But in a more perfect world, this should result in disbarment for endangering the lives of the public.

Nearly 2/3 of New Yorkers fully vaccinated: . Note that all of the states with the highest vaccination rates are in the Northeast.

The stupidity of police resistance to vaccination mandates: . We knew that COVID was the leading cause of death among police officers in the past year. But it is new that the COVID deaths are five times the deaths from gunshots.

WSJ: College student backlash over masks and mandates: . Note to the graduate student who thinks the college is blackmailing him: You should consider not going. A significant issue in labor history is the nature of social responsibility. The college is trying to teach you critical analysis skills, and it’s not working.

CDC issues guidance for holiday gatherings: .

The Molnupiravir debate: . So obviously, unless there is an exceptional special medical risk, everyone should be vaccinated. However, for those who are unvaccinated or suffer breakthrough infections, this is a meaningful alternative for saving them from serious illness or death.

UK investigates incompetent COVID testing firm: . So you open the COVID testing kit you sent for, and when you open it, it contains someone else’s saliva. This happened in the US. However, the firm blames this on its shipper.

Russia’s COVID wave continues to worsen: .