News for October 14 — Religious Exemptions from Vaccine Mandates

Religious exemptions from vaccine mandates: . The essential strategy here is to encourage people to cheat “the system”. The Big Lie is becoming a way of life for these so-called conservatives. Can they spell “hypocrisy”?  Meanwhile, Maine’s bar of religious exemptions upheld by judge: .

WSJ on vaccine mandate bans: We’ll waste your time: . So you write a lengthy article on the bans by first “putting aside any conflict with federal rules”, then babbling on about all of the structural problems with these poorly thought-out bans in Texas and Montana. Then, in the second-to-last paragraph, you mention “Generally, under the Constitution, federal law trumps conflicting state actions”. The federal supremacy clause decides this case, and nowhere in the article is there any reasonable doubt about that result. Pathetic journalism.

FDA advisors recommend Moderna booster: .  Clarification has arrived for yesterday’s confused reporting on the Moderna booster. Moderna did seek a booster at one-half the volume of the original two shots. The reason is to give the smallest shot which would generate an immune response. Apparently, the third dose given to those at most risk in the first round of boosters was a full volume dose. Since the affected group has a poor immune response, the larger dose makes sense. WSJ: More: .

FDA likely to rule on Merck oral antiviral in December: . The use of Molnupiravir would be a significant step forward from the administration of monoclonal antibodies.

US regional hospital stress continues: . It is useful to see current data broken down by county.

Wisconsin sees COVID cases and deaths surge: .

WSJ: Texas abortion restrictions can continue during litigation: . DOJ could appeal this either to an en banc hearing of the Fifth Circuit or to the US Supreme Court. They could also not appeal. This is an interesting strategic decision. Given that they allege violation of constitutional rights, I think DOJ will ultimately appeal this order to the Supreme Court. Given the conservatism of the Fifth Circuit, I might skip the en banc request, although timing is also an issue.

The problem of data availability: . Not everyone looking at the data views it with an unbiased eye. The anti-vaxxers view any gap as evidence of a conspiracy theory. Those of us who have spent a career analyzing data know it is almost never complete. When a new question comes up, frequently the data collected does not address it. As everyone should know, dealing with the pandemic in real time by definition means that not every question can be answered. The question is how far data collection should go to pacify people who are not data-driven in the first place.

Discharge procedures announced for sailors who refuse vaccine: .

WSJ: UnitedHealth raises 2021 outlook: . Note that the pattern of deferral of elective care has continued. UH believes this is gradually returning to normal. Some of this is fear of going into a medical setting right now. But there is also an access issue in regions where hospitals are addressing COVID surges.

WSJ: Eviction wave has not materialized: . Court procedures, always slow, are even slower during the pandemic. However, there have been significant efforts to release appropriated federal funds to affected individuals. We should reassess in a couple of months, although the onset of colder weather may also skew results in this environment.

The vaccinated outcasts: . The logical inconsistencies of the pandemic just keep on coming at us. Recall that mixing the J&J vaccine with an mRNA booster gives stronger protection than a J&J booster. If the Italian government wanted to help these people, it could fund a similar study for an mRNA booster for these folks, provided a sufficient number would volunteer for the trial. This seems likely to work, the medical risks seem small, and the information would be useful to the global community. For example, these concerns will come up in all the countries that used Russian or Chinese vaccines.

Russia’s COVID situation continues to set records: .

Sydney will start to reopen to vaccinated international travelers November 1, but Australian residents and citizens will be first: .

WSJ: TSMC to build chip plant in China: . In my view, they have to start moving production to a multinational base to create options if China moves on Taiwan.

WSJ: Workforce participation appears to have taken a permanent downward drop: . You can see the new power of workers in everything from seeking alternatives to their current or former job to striking at John Deere: . Employers will respond by getting by with less employees, automating, and if all else fails, by offering raises. Many will make the mistake of overpaying new hires without similarly raising the compensation of existing staff.

Alex Murdaugh arrested, charged: . It seems clear that Mr. Murdaugh will spend a long time in prison. The real question is whether the murders of his wife and child will be solved. This article tells us Murdaugh has been a suspect in the murders “from the get-go”. Also, Murdaugh continues to contend that the stolen millions were spent primarily on drugs. And he wrote checks to drug dealers? Wow. An alternate theory is that he got kickbacks when those checks were cashed. WSJ: More: .

Former South Carolina sheriff off to prison: . As we follow the saga of South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh, this item caught my eye. Thirteen SC sheriffs have been convicted of crimes since 2010: . Lewis is the fifth to do jail time, while a sixth awaits sentencing. South Carolina has 46 counties, which gives you some idea of the level of corruption among these sheriffs.

WSJ: Boeing hit with yet another manufacturing defect: . These guys have gone from the Rolls Royce of the airline industry to the Yugo. That’s not good when there are only two major players. And even worse: . So the regulators believe there is a cultural problem at Boeing that created the 737 MAX problem.

WSJ: Our spin on the January 6 sentences: . This reporting is inappropriate. It focuses on Trump appointees who gave lighter-than-recommended sentences and Obama appointees who gave harsher-than-recommended sentences. That endangers the Obama appointees. The Journal also ignored the chief presiding judge’s comments that prosecutors’ recommendations were too lenient. This suggests the Trump appointees are not considering her comments. That may be a significant source of the inconsistency.

Ve are da GOP und ve demand allegiance: . So your goal is to get someone to donate to your cause. Starting the request with “You’re a traitor” is not the first idea anyone would have, is it? Meanwhile, another Republican group is spending $250,000 to advertise an obvious fact: . When is this three-ring circus going to pull out of town?

Meanwhile, a Libertarian criticizes Biden by attributing to him a Trump quote: . I think the Libertarian is being honest in saying he was satirizing the gun lobby. And he’s had an outsized impact since this thing went viral. But satire does require a certain level of knowledge on the part of the listener to be truly effective. That means it fails on a Confederacy of Dunces.

The hits keep coming for Justice Alito, this time from Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: . As previously noted, Alito is not your average moron. Whitehouse does not mention that the way conservative judges obtain Federalist Society approval is by writing “audition opinions” for their consideration. In Alito’s case, it was his dissent on a three-judge panel of the Third Circuit in the 1991 appellate hearing of Planned Parenthood v. Casey. That abortion case ultimately made it to the Supreme Court, a 5-4 decision that (barely) upheld Roe v. Wade.

By the way, Neal Gorsuch’s “audition case” was Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby in 2013 while on the Tenth Circuit. That is the ridiculous “religious exemption” case for corporations, the first time corporations were allowed to enforce religious beliefs on employees. This denial of contraception rights was affirmed by the Supreme Court on a 5-4 vote, the opinion authored by Samuel Alito. Alito is a political hack. His terrible judgment in entering political comment is now pounding his ignorance.

Nicholas Kristof leaves New York Times to run for governor of Oregon: . Of course he’s running as a Democrat. A Republican can’t be elected governor here, particularly as long as Orange Julius is alive. Perhaps he has used the last few months to line up powerful endorsements. That would seem to be his only shot at being elected here, and even then the odds are long.

Stones pull “Brown Sugar” from tour: . I listen to ‘60s and ‘70s CDs while writing this newsletter, and coincidentally the last CD I had on last night was “The Very Best of the Rolling Stones”. It includes this song, which has always struck me as offensive. The comments from Jagger and Richards indicate they don’t get it, which is not surprising.

The song comes out of Jagger’s relationship with a black woman, here described as Marsh Hunt, with whom he has a child: . You will note that Jagger engaged in a horrible paternity battle over the child, which is more disgusting than the song given his and her financial circumstances. However, the publicity in the ‘70s was around former Ikette Claudia Lennear: . I guess you know this only if you read Playboy for the articles (yes, I knew where to look on the Internet).