News for October 13 — Child Vaccine Clearance in November

Child vaccine clearance in November: . The projected “before Halloween” date has slipped a bit.

J&J booster: Mixing better than matching: . Despite recent reporting that other countries prefer the Pfizer vaccine, here is another example where Moderna outshines Pfizer’s performance. WSJ: More: .

Moderna booster: Investigative reporter is just making stuff up: . Um, this is not the way vaccines work. Vaccines are designed to initiate an immune response. Twice the vaccine amount does not stimulate twice the response. As suggested in the prior article, the Moderna vaccine may well initially stimulate the immune system more strongly than the Pfizer vaccine. But this does not address the question of whether that protection wanes over time. So this “theory” about the Moderna booster is not just unproven, it’s bonkers. And by the way, the FDA can’t just suggest a half-dose. Any dosage adjustment has to be run through a trial.

Certainly, we have people spreading intentional disinformation over the Internet. Here, I think the story just reflects a lack of appropriate journalistic standards. That is still dangerous. Here is a more balanced presentation of the same information: . This suggests to me that the first reporter wrote his story from other wire reports, injecting his own interpretation.

Care rationing coming to Montana: .

FDA to food industry: Cut salt content: . Personally, I am not a fan of salt. I use very little in cooking, and have never had salt shakers on my tables. Still, you get a lot from canned foods, frozen foods, and when you dine out.

2022 Social Security benefit increase is 5.9%: . This is the largest annual increase since 1982. WSJ: More: .

The future of Social Security: . First, as pointed out here previously, most of the funding problem can be solved by taxing all wages. Second, Medicare is slated to run out of funds before Social Security (2026 for Medicare: )(2037 for Social Security: ). That is a huge problem for every senior.

Original Medicare is better coverage if you’re sick: . This is in my view undoubtedly true. Original Medicare is more expensive than the Medicare Advantage plans. This is because the MA plans manage you through a network. Now, if you are a person who just lets the doctor decide and doesn’t participate in managing your illness, this could be acceptable to you.

In Portland, like many other places, different hospital systems excel in different care areas. I want to choose my own doctor at the point of diagnosis, not wait until the annual Medicare enrollment period to switch. I would also seek a second opinion on any serious illness. In summary, this article indicates to me that many seniors have this same perspective. For many, however, the savings on Medicare Advantage are important to them when they are not seriously ill. Problem is, you don’t know when serious illness is coming for you.

Russia’s daily COVID deaths set another record: .

WSJ: Supply chain problems hurting global economy: . Biden’s move to speed up offloading of container ships in California will help address this problem: . What WSJ fails to realize is that even if it takes a while to get the cargo out of the port, just offloading the backlog of ships is an important accomplishment. Biden also said at his press conference that  major players in the supply chain have agreed to accept shipments at their warehouses at significantly expanded hours.

WSJ: Spreading US inflation: . I do happen to believe these spikes are temporary. The question is, how long is “temporary”?

Another judge raises January 6 insurrectionist’s sentence from prosecutors’ recommendations: . I completely agree with this. It is disappointing that prosecutors have not rethought their recommendations. This is really what the chief judge has told them previously. Do we really want to tell these defendants that you can assault the Capitol and participate in death threats against elected officials for a penalty of no more than 30 days in jail? This is incredibly dangerous with the Big Lie gaining momentum in many conservative circles. More: .

Meanwhile, in Big Lie World: . A group of otters is called a raft. A gathering of fruitcakes is called a GOP election rally.

As expected, major airlines will ignore Greg Abbott’s vaccine mandate ban: . What a loser! The comment in the article that critics claim vaccine mandates are unconstitutional is quite amusing. So drafting people into military service is clearly constitutional, and the military mandates vaccines. Just get the “L” tattooed in your forehead now, so the rest of us will know that in a battle of wits, you are unarmed and dangerous.

And in more Texas loser news: . I’m a bit surprised by this reporting. It is obvious that the person involved is Leana Wen, who regularly appears on a variety of network and cable channels. She is the former Baltimore health commissioner: . Why not just say so? Most of the other reporting on this story does: .

More global threats against doctors, from UK reporting: .

WSJ: Alitalia folds: .

Captain Kirk’s 11 minute round trip to space: . Shatner went where no 90-year-old has gone before. WSJ: More: .