News for October 4 — Pfizer Efficacy Declines after 6 Months

Pfizer efficacy declines after 6 months: . First, as noted here previously, this is a strong argument for a booster. Second, this suggests the proper vaccine course may be three shots. Third, although the vaccine remains effective at reducing hospitalization, that is not enough. We have to halt transmission. Suppose the unvaccinated Americans are strongly vaccine resistant. Then the best way to protect them is to give boosters to the vaccinated, to reduce transmission.

J&J seeks booster shot authorization this week: . It remains unclear as to whether this will ultimately be seen as a booster shot or as the second dose of a two-shot vaccine regimen.

WSJ: Europe approves broad use of boosters: .

WSJ: Search for a pan-coronavirus vaccine: .

Florida passes New York in total COVID deaths: . The DeMentis death march rolls on. By the way, did you spot the math error in the article? If Florida has more deaths than New York, it has to have a higher percentage of US total deaths than does New York. New York’s percentage is 55,498/700,176 = 7.93%. Florida’s is 55,619/700,176 = 7.94%, not 7.6%.

Southwest is fifth US airline to mandate employee vaccinations: . WSJ: More: .

US looks to boost COVID testing capacity: . As readers know, the US testing performance has been a disgrace so far. Will we finally random walk our way out of the woods?

The facts-don’t-matter GOP: . So not only are these fools misled by COVID disinformation, they get angry at anyone who tells them the truth. This is another illustration of the dangers of Abbott and Costello-DeMentis. And: .

Meanwhile, wacko patients are frustrating doctors: . The doctors make some excellent points about the bizarre stuff they hear from some patients. You should read this just to shake your head. My favorite is the doctor who has patients tell him they don’t know what’s in the vaccine, so they won’t put it in their body. He reads them the ingredient list for a Twinkie. You know they’d let their kid eat one.

WSJ: New Zealand ending its Zero COVID strategy: . Sorry, this is really poorly planned. The country has a 40% overall vaccination rate. They should hold off any reopening until that rate reaches at least 70%. Otherwise, we are likely to see the Delta variant spread like wildfire there. I do hope they have aggressive contact tracing and testing in place now, while rates are still low.

Nobel Prize in medicine goes to two Americans: . More: . WSJ: More: . Capsaicin is already widely used as a pain reliever, primarily in topical creams. Chemesthesis is the burning sensation you feel from certain chemicals like capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers. COVID affects the body’s chemethesis response: .

WSJ: Fed studying a US digital currency: . The point that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) would allow the feds to see every transaction is important. It tells you why China is interested in a CBDC.

WSJ: Is an Evergrande deal coming? . With China’s government refusing to bail out Evergrande, a private deal is the only way out short of complete collapse. More: . Still more: .

Justice Alito continues to draw fire for his inappropriate remarks: . While Alito has a weak legal mind, this article points out that he is also a partisan hack. You may recall his stunt at Obama’s State of the Union address: . The public’s opinion of the Supreme Court has dropped precipitously in the last few months: . More: . The current Court term, which ends in June, is unlikely to improve the situation. 

More on the Pandora Papers: Significant issues in Europe: . WSJ: More: .

Florida first lady Casey DeSantis diagnosed with breast cancer: . The 41-year-old has three young children. We wish the family the best in overcoming this medical setback.

The dangers of carbon dioxide: . We think of home asphyxiation incidents as involving carbon monoxide, but carbon dioxide is also dangerous.

Bezos to send Captain Kirk into space: . WSJ: More: . I am increasingly hard pressed to see any justification for the billionaire space race. Creating a tourist industry to further damage the atmosphere seems immoral and ill-advised, not to mention disgusting and inherently irresponsible.

Why “crypto” starts with “cry”: . Software plus unregulated currency has created a perfect storm here. This plus the prior item gives me the feeling that money really is too easy right now, and that change will come. And I don’t mean pocket change.

DEA raids Washington Football Team facilities: . Okay, we knew there were so many difficulties in Washington that the name change was just scraping the surface. However, when your head trainer generates a DEA raid, the problems run really deep. The article does say that the team is not involved. However, this guy has been in the NFL almost 20 years. We will have to wait to hear specifics, but they can’t be good.