News for October 1 — California Mandates K-12 COVID Vaccine

California mandates K-12 COVID vaccine: . WSJ: More: . The mandate applies the next semester after full FDA approval for the relevant age group.

COVID can damage all five senses: . The title is a bit sensationalized. As the article notes, sense of taste is rarely lost; the loss of smell diminishes taste. But diminished hearing, blurred vision, damage to touch, and of course loss of smell have all been documented.

WSJ: Current COVID wave may be leveling off: .

More evidence that healthcare vaccine mandates work: .

Following United, more airlines will require employee vaccination: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: More on Merck’s Molnupiravir: . Note that the US agreed to buy 1.7 million courses of treatment for $1.2 billion. That’s about $700 per course. Vaccination is a lot more financially efficient (and safer) than having to save the unvaccinated infected by use of expensive drugs. That is especially true with such a highly contagious disease as COVID.

Pfizer loses lawsuit challenging US drug anti-kickback rule: .

New pressures and threats hit health workers: . Ignorance is bad enough. Acting out against people trying to save lives is appalling. I was confused by the reference to ‘roid rage. I thought maybe it was a reference to road rage, but in fact it refers to steroid rage.

WSJ: Clouds form over gene therapy: . This is likely a temporary setback, but it is a significant one.

WSJ: Wuhan “citizen reporter” reappears online after 600 days: . The most populous nation on Earth does not pretend to be a democracy.

Infrastructure vote delayed: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . The main takeaway is that progressives exhibited rarely seen muscle against the Speaker and the White House. Biden’s figure of $1.9 to $2.3 trillion is lower than my prediction of $2.8 trillion. There will be a bill. We will see if progressives can push the range up.

WSJ: Federal judge hints he is interested in enjoining Texas abortion law: . However, the answer on federal limits on challenging state laws is obvious. The US Constitution reserves to the states all powers not expressly granted to the federal government. However, there is extensive involvement of the federal government in regulating abortions as part of an individual citizen’s rights under the Constitution.

WSJ: More on China’s power shortages: .

“Infowars” host Alex Jones found liable to parents for lying about Sandy Hook: . WSJ: More: . Surprisingly, even in Texas some conservative lies are too repulsive to stomach. Default judgments are indeed quite rare. The judge has had it with Alex Jones. I hope the jury bankrupts the bastard.

More criticism of Alito’s “defense”: . This article adds some detail about the “shadow docket” over time, but in my view it misses the central problem. The strongest legal writing is explanatory. Emotional appeals are of course weaker. Defensive writing is the weakest. Alito is almost never explanatory, and almost always defensive. In short, Alito has a weak legal mind, far too weak to be taking up space on the Supreme Court.

How to defeat DeMentis: . Angst is rarely constructive. So the path here is fairly obvious, and it follows the 2020 election. Florida Democrats have to nominate someone who convinces voters that he or she is more stable than DeMentis. The strongest argument is prior experience that voters respect. Charlie Crist is a former governor, and has been leading DeMentis in some polls. Given DeMentis’ style and behavior, this is really Orange Julius vs Biden 2.0. And DeMentis is a weaker candidate than Orange Julius. So these people need to shut up, unite around Crist, and do the organizing work.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to NBA players: Cut the “research” crap, get the shot: . Shaq has the same message for Kyrie Irving: . More: . Wait, Kyrie Irving believes the Earth is flat? But he flies all the time. Does he ever look out the window?