News for September 30 — Healthcare Vaccine Mandates Are Working

Healthcare vaccine mandates working: . Seems to me that if you’re going to work in healthcare, you need to protect those around you, in particular the patients and staff.

Merck announces positive COVID antiviral trial: . In the trial, Merck’s drug Molnupiravir outperformed a placebo. After 5 days, 24% of participants receiving the placebo still were positive for COVID, while none of those receiving the drug were. Because the drug targets polymerase (an enzyme the virus needs for replication) and not the spike protein, Merck believes it will be effective against all COVID variants.

CDC urges COVID vaccinations during pregnancy: . Pregnant “people”? CBS wants to be more politically correct than anyone else.

Democrats support vaccine mandates, Republicans oppose them: . If Republicans are so deeply in favor of personal health choices, why don’t women get to control their bodies? Facts don’t matter on the right, and neither does logic.

WSJ: Being unvaccinated is a bad idea, period: .

Court rejects “natural immunity” mandate exemption: . The facts don’t fit the argument. Even the vaccines are not 100% effective, but they have been shown to raise the immune response of previously infected individuals.

Mu variant has faded from US: .

COVID is thinning out rural America: . Again, stupid knows no bounds.

COVID rules increase tension and threats against school boards: . WSJ: More: . The decline of civil discourse in the country continues and is accelerating. It’s just not a great idea to act out on misinformation.

Oh, yeah, the flu season is here: . Do you have the feeling that influenza shot rates will drop with the GOP this year? Still, COVID restrictions have the advantage of also suppressing the flu. Gee, here’s another reason to wear masks in school this year.

WSJ: Arbitration coming to medical pricing disputes: .

Vaping drops among teens: . It seems fairly clear that kids wouldn’t vape as much at home. WSJ: More: . This information paints a somewhat different picture. The growth in disposables is troubling.

Military suicides increase: .

WSJ: A ransomware fatality: .

House votes to prioritize intelligence on health threats: .

WSJ: Weekly jobless claims rise to 362,000: . This article is pretty heavy on spinning the numbers.

WSJ: Activist investors target Willis Towers: . Changes are arriving, and they will likely affect the future of actuarial consulting.

The new Arizona maverick: .

Details of Manchin’s view of reconciliation: . WSJ: More: . As readers know, I fault Jerome Powell for excessive “easy money”. Elizabeth Warren faults Jerome Powell for overly loose regulation. Manchin also has concerns about easy money. Thus, my conclusion is that Powell should not be renominated.

We now have a clearer picture of why Manchin is so locked on $1.5 trillion. But he’s not the President, and all Democrats realize they must pass some form of the reconciliation bill. My earlier prediction was $2.8 trillion. There is no information to change that yet. It “seems clear” that it won’t go any higher than that, and it won’t be lower than $1.5 trillion. My guess is that we will still end up above $2 billion, but this remains a horse race.

The fundamental problem in the House is whose ox will be gored to shrink the package’s cost. Latest news: .

WSJ: Current infrastructure package details: .

The practical problem with the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Texas abortion law: . These clinics need a federal court to rule that the substance of the law is unconstitutional. But that seems clear under current law (Roe v. Wade). That along with an injunction preventing enforcement will solve the current problem, at least until the Supreme Court rules on the Mississippi abortion case (probably next June).

Alito defends the ruling: . This bullet-headed response will increase criticism of the Court. Kagan was right, Alito is wrong. And Alito’s “best” is still pathetic.

US general: Collapse of Afghan army rooted in Orange Julius’ Doha deal to end US involvement: . Contrast this with Orange Julius’ statement on the Iraq withdrawal during his 2016 presidential campaign: “’We’re moving out of here. Here’s our time. Here’s our date.’ Who would do this but an incompetent president?”: . So remember: Describing Orange Julius as a moron is an insult to morons. No one in public life has ever been anything close to this ignorant, incapable and incompetent.

Speaking of incompetence, snail mail is going to slow down starting October 1: . No one in their right mind thinks this is a competent business plan. What business do you know of that plans to slow down service? Exactly. So if there ever was one, it went bust.

Law enforcement reform enacted in California: . As the feds have so far failed, this is the first major reform in response to George Floyd’s death.

Two January 6 insurrectionists get jail time for misdemeanors: . As the article notes, their legal troubles are not over.

WSJ: German demographics redefine its politics: .

WSJ: China’s manufacturing sector contracts: . The US must prioritize strengthening its grid. Think about what it means for remote work (oh, and not freezing to death in Texas). More: .