News for August 31 — Vaccine Hesitancy May Be Receding

Vaccine hesitancy may be receding: . It’s only one poll …

Yet more data manipulation in Florida: . This stunt comes at a time when Florida is producing about 20% of new COVID cases.

Colleges continue to sort out vaccine mandates: . This reporting raises more questions than it answers. First, employer mandates are okay for private employers because they are private. Here, public institutions implemented the mandates. This case does not involve the right to education – it is specifically limited to the requirements to play sports. As athletes practice together and travel together, special rules are reasonable.

It is troubling that the judge issued a TRO on a lawsuit filed yesterday, when the university has had no chance to respond. Of particular interest is why the university denied the religious exemption. However, the plaintiffs’ citing of a Bible verse seems to be very weak support for a religious exemption.

WHO monitoring new COVID variant: . Mu emerged in Colombia, and is not widespread outside that country. I wonder if cows can contract mu.

WSJ: Not a good time to be hospitalized in Louisiana: . There are also significant problems with potable water. The time frames for power restoration could make the water problem the critical issue in some areas. Other reporting indicates some patients have been relocated as far away as Texas.

COVID has limited effect on Social Security: . WSJ: More: . Good grief! What expert expected major impact? But the more important point is that it’s one year later. The Social Security Trust Fund is projected to have solvency issues in 2034, 13 years from now. Last year the insolvency was 15 years out. Does anyone get that we can’t go on like this? This is a very slow boat to turn around, and the pain of solution gets greater every year. Here’s a link to the Academy’s Social Security financing game: . Hint: the most effective single action to promote solvency is to subject all wages to Social Security tax.

I also want to call special attention to the “senior administration official” who says we can’t predict because we haven’t lived through a pandemic in the last 100 years. This may be the stupidest comment of 2021. America was a very different place in 1918. That is even truer of 1918 health care. Social Security wasn’t enacted until 1937. Medicare was enacted in 1965. So 1918 pandemic or not, there is no historical precedent of any kind helpful in projecting the effect of the pandemic on these programs. So we predict by other things than historical precedent.

US Department of Education opens investigations in 5 states that have failed to mandate masks in schools: .

Biden defends Afghanistan exit: . Here is the full speech: . Biden starts at 2 minutes in. I agree with pretty much everything he says. It is remarkable that over 120,000 people were airlifted out of the country in this time frame and under the very adverse circumstances.

WSJ: Afghanistan departure a blow to US counter-terrorism operations: . The Journal needs to do better than publish ads for the military-industrial complex. Biden stated explicitly in his speech that counter-terrorism was not our reason for going to Afghanistan and did not justify our continued presence. We undoubtedly maintain significant resources in the country, and we have deep experience in using satellites to monitor the country. Biden promised more action against ISIS-K. Let’s see how that goes.

WSJ: The latest on travel to Europe: .

Judge takes out the trash: . Really, the prior administration was incompetent on almost every level. There are rules for rulemaking, and problems ensue when you don’t follow them.

More racism erupts in the GOP: . Um, these are people who have been helping the US military for up to 20 years. The Afghans involved “self-vetted” by their service to this country.

GOP megadonors turn away from Orange Julius: . The details in this article are interesting. My conclusions are somewhat different. These donors focus on the next election, which is 2022. The GOP’s best shot is to turn the House, as the contested Senate races appear to favor Democrats. If you want influence for your money, give directly to the House candidates. Right now, Orange Julius looks like a dead end for 2024.

Per a reader request, here is another source concerning Fox News’ position (in writing and in court) that no reasonable person would believe what Tucker Carlson says on air: . Really, this does tell you everything you need to know about Tucker Carlson as a person and Fox News as an organization. The logical conclusion is that “Fox” and “News” are two words that don’t belong in the same sentence. That is Fox’s argument, right?