News for August 26 — COVID Booster Shot Approval after 6 Months

WSJ: COVID booster shot approval after 6 months: . More, on the need for boosters: .

COVID infected 1/3 of Americans last year: . More: . Aspects of this study seem sloppy to me. The conclusion is that 103 million Americans were infected last year. At 19.6 million reported cases, that means there were 5.3 infections for every reported case. My recollection is that most estimates of the multiplier range from 2.5 to 4. There is a comment on herd immunity, which is unattainable in the US. There also seems to be an underlying assumption that infection confers permanent immunity, which is incorrect.

I am of course very critical of comparing COVID to the flu. The mortality comments are off the mark. Mortality has dropped because of (1) improved treatment protocols, and (2) vaccination of the majority of the population and over 80% of the elderly. This latter factor means the elderly are less likely to be infected, and less ill when they are infected. Thus, the mortality rate has dropped because the susceptible population has changed. In particular, the unvaccinated are younger as a group than the vaccinated.

WSJ: The complexity of vaccine efficacy: .

WSJ: Latin American vaccine production advances: .

Horse de-wormer prescribed at Arkansas jail: . This appears completely nuts. The doctor should lose his license to practice.

WSJ: Illinois mask, vaccine mandates: .

Japan suspends 1.6 million Moderna doses over potential contamination: . This will create a significant delay in the current vaccination drive.

WSJ: Delta variant hurting public perception of Asian leaders: .

Supreme Court strikes down eviction moratorium: . WSJ: More: . This seems highly unwise during a pandemic. Additionally, the Supreme Court has recently behaved less like a court and more like a supreme legislative body.

WSJ: Health price transparency litigation withdrawn: . We remain a long way from transparency in healthcare pricing.

Federal supplemental unemployment benefit of $300 per week ending September 6: . As the article details, “ends” involves considerable complexity. The end date depends on when the state pays weekly benefits, so for example in Oregon benefits end September 4. Depending on the state’s unemployment rate, there may be extended benefits under PEUC. The article predicts that at most 5 states (and DC) will qualify, but the state must fund 50% of the extended benefit.

Social Security benefit increase estimate for 2022 remains at 5.5% to 6%: . There has not been an increase over 5% since 2008.

US tech giants to help feds raise the bar on cybersecurity: . We must do more to prevent ransomware and other attacks on critical infrastructure. This seems like a strong first step.

WSJ: Chip prices will increase: .

2 Kabul airport suicide attacks kill 13 US military personnel, wound 18: . Also, 60 Afghans were killed and another 140 injured in the attacks. ISIS-K has claimed responsibility. WSJ: More: . This revises the Afghan death toll to 90. Still more: . And: . More on ISIS-K: .

WSJ: The college football revolution: .

WSJ: Yankees rebound with 11 straight wins: .