Vaccine protection declines after 6 months, according to large British study: . Although based on data from a phone app, the study lines up with other studies showing decreasing protection. Evidence is growing that a booster is needed for the general population.
J&J booster increases antibodies 9-fold: . The timing details are important here, but not fully described. It may turn out that J&J will ultimately be regarded as a two-dose vaccine, since the antibody increase is so dramatic. Put differently, how does giving the second dose one month after the first compare with these results? And also, there is more to the immune system response than just antibodies. WSJ: More: .
WSJ: US vaccinations continue to rise: . But hospitalizations are exploding: .
COVID strikes pregnant women hard: . What a tragedy is unfolding for these unfortunate families.
Meanwhile, the COVID news for children is grim: .
PTSD in the ICU: . The unvaccinated fully expect healthcare professionals to risk their own lives over a preventable illness. Similar news from Idaho: .
WSJ: Nursing homes remain short-staffed: . There’s no mystery here, is there?
In Portland, we’re importing dimwits: . Our major hospital is Oregon Health Sciences University, which treats people from all over the Northwest. OHSU is near the breaking point because many critically ill patients from rural areas are coming here: .
WSJ: COVID origin search striking out: . China is once again famous for its Great Stone Wall.
A post-mortem on Operation Warp Speed: .
The DeMentis wave continues: . The reason behind this disaster couldn’t be clearer. Policy makes a difference. DeMentis has tried to assume Orange Julius’ mantle by extending OJ’s murderous “ego uber alles” style: . This is not negligent homicide – it is intentional, and it is mass murder. And more and more people in Florida understand Ron is driving the bus off the cliff: .
Meanwhile, Greg Abbott bans localities in Texas from vaccine mandates: . Isn’t the GOP the party of local control? And on this issue, science doesn’t matter? Why is that? My understanding is that rights come with responsibilities.
Kristi surfing her own murder wave now: . So Kristi doesn’t have the raw material – population – to kill the numbers Abbott and DeMentis are racking up. The solution? Drive up attendance at Sturgis to record levels (700,000), which is close to South Dakota’s population (884,000). The number of cases in the state goes up almost 6 times over two weeks. The county where Sturgis is located has over 16 times the cases it did two weeks ago. But the state health department can only connect 16 cases to the rally. In what bizarre reality do the GOP governors now reside?
And by the way, this superspreader now exports to all 50 states. Florida and Texas do too, but they don’t put hundreds of thousands of people on motorcycles to visit almost every county in the country. The circus which has replaced the Republican Party endangers the health of every American. The data shouts it. Insanity politics just prolongs and amplifies the pandemic, and it hurts the economy. No aspect of this GOP behavior represents good governance.
NY governor adjusts state’s COVID death totals: . Apparently these figures for presumed COVID deaths were previously available publicly but not included on the state’s “official” count. The CDC has been reporting the presumed deaths in its counting for some time. However, fancy distinctions aside, this looks like another version of “ego uber alles”. But in New York, the former governor is now out. America needs the same result in the GOP states listed above. WSJ: More: .
Delta Airlines to charge unvaccinated employees $200 per month healthcare surcharge: . Delta is also upset about the bad publicity it gets from having a deadly COVID variant named Delta.
WSJ: Why is the federal renters’ assistance still not getting distributed?: .
Spain experiences record daily COVID deaths: . However, as cases and hospitalizations are falling, Spain may be nearing the end of this fifth COVID wave.
Indonesia is Asia’s new coronavirus epicenter: . We must keep in mind that in less developed countries, COVID cases and deaths are likely significantly underreported.
WSJ: The Supreme Court emergency appeals process: . We are all aware of the assault on federal institutions during the Orange Julius years. Here is a very important but little-discussed area where the Supreme Court’s deliberative process is being circumvented.
The end is nearer for Sidney Powell: . WSJ: More: . Recall that Rudy has already had his license to practice suspended. Sidney is equally deserving. Revocations will likely follow.
State insurrectionist gets 6 years: . While this is a short sentence considering the severity of the crime, this genius has pretty well permanently screwed up his life. The other 5 should seriously consider cutting deals. WSJ: More: .
WSJ: US dollars and the Taliban: . Somehow I don’t think opium is the sole funding of the Taliban. Saudi conservatives are one among several other possibilities. More: Clandestine operations to extract Americans and others unable to get to the airport: . Still more: .
The doughnut reward: two Krispy Kreme doughnuts for getting vaccinated: . One wag commented that this reward is for people who get the vaccine but otherwise don’t care about their health.