News for August 23 — FDA Fully Approves Pfizer Vaccine

FDA fully approves Pfizer vaccine: . WSJ: More: . Note that the full approval applies to persons at least 16 years old. Dosages for younger individuals are still being studied.

Pentagon vaccine mandate moves forward: (link replaced 1/6/22).

New York schools mandate vaccination, drop testing option: . This sets the stage for other employers to do the same, particularly as FDA full approvals for all major vaccines are near. For now, persons worried about this issue can seek out Pfizer.

Biden advocates for corporate mandates of COVID vaccines for employees: .

Backlash against horse medication improperly used as a COVID treatment: . It’s amazing that people trust crap they read on the Internet more than the FDA.

The predictable happens: school kids give COVID to family members: . This is so incredibly frustrating. We knew this would occur.

Dr. Gottlieb thinks the COVID surge in the South has peaked: . The data does not justify this conclusion. Note that cases in Florida children are increasing, and then consider the prior article.

The DeMentis mask mandate ban heads to court: . Whoever prepared the DeMentis order using a pre-Delta study made a major mistake.

The unvaccinated cost all of us: . We have made this point previously. This article puts some details to the cost.

COVID continues to surge in Israel: .

Kathy Hochul to be sworn in as New York governor: . Update: She is now sworn in: . Every mention I’ve heard or seen today of “former Governor Cuomo” has been preceded by “disgraced”.

Reconciliation piece of infrastructure plan hit by House Democratic infighting: . WSJ: More: . It should be obvious to every House Democratic member that this is a “pass or die” bill relative to the 2022 election. A deal will be cut, but what concessions will be made to moderates is unknown at this point.

College in America is too expensive: . I completely agree with this assessment. The college debt problem has a substantial negative impact on many young adults. A “quick fix” is to make community college free for everyone and have the four-year colleges pivot to being two-year institutions for transfers. Also, the significant changes in NCAA rules will ultimately affect the income stream from college sports. Readjustment is overdue.

Proud Boys leader sentenced in BLM banner burning: . Considering that this is a misdemeanor charge, the judge imposed a very stiff sentence.

WSJ: Afghanistan evacuation struggles continue: .

Major League Baseball has a drug distribution problem that may have led to the death of Tyler Skaggs: . The Field of Dreams Game may mean the highlight of the 2021 season has already passed.