News for August 20 — FDA Plans Pfizer Approval Monday

FDA plans Pfizer approval Monday: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: How Pfizer transfers its manufacturing blueprint to partners: .

J&J booster evaluation could take weeks: . Since J&J believes there is no need until at least 8 months out, and the first shots were administered in March, there’s no apparent need to rush.

Using COVID to fight COVID: . This drug’s potential is as a therapeutic. That is, it only works when you already have COVID. If administered early in the infection, it could reduce transmission. If administered later, it might reduce the severity of symptoms if cellular damage is not too great.

WSJ: Astra Zeneca to seek approval of antibody drug which prevents COVID symptoms in trails: .  Again, this is a therapeutic. Vaccines prevent the disease. You can expect therapeutics to be much more expensive. Does this mean that the vaccinated will ultimately support the increased medical costs for the unvaccinated?

The unvaccinated are also the uneducated and illogical: . The central point is that these people do not take responsibility for their actions. Meanwhile, an Orange Julius rally is planned for Alabama: . OJ is doing his best to kill his supporters off.

Breakthrough infections as transmissible as those in the unvaccinated: . So, this is not an argument to avoid vaccination, but some of the vaccine resisters will see it that way.

Montana is only state to ban employer vaccine mandates: . The GOP continues to make absolutely no sense. Public health just doesn’t work this way.

COVID may fell DeMentis: . How does this article fail to mention that former Governor Charlie Crist is leading DeMentis in several polls? Florida has had over 3 million cases of COVID and 42,000 deaths, and counting, in the last 18 months. For reference, there were just over 2,300 US military deaths in Afghanistan over the last 20 years: . Helluva job, Ron.

Florida newspapers speak up: .

Orlando urges water limits due to COVID spike: . What? Orlando uses liquid oxygen to treat its water, and oxygen priority goes to the hospitals.

COVID surges in 6 rural, northern California counties: .

Asa Hutchinson’s reversal on mask wearing: . Um, Hutchinson can’t win a GOP primary for anything right now, so he’s not going to be facing an election anytime soon. However, his only chance in 2024, and it’s a long shot, is that GOP voters hold their “leaders” responsible for mishandling COVID.

The nature of COVID mutation: .

India’s COVID situation: . Again, the evidence is that vaccination is superior to natural immunity from previous infections. However, in India the Delta variant dominated nearly all of the exposure. Still, vaccination seems prudent.

Hearts break at WSJ as the Suez Canal story cannot be revived: .

Taliban hunts down its “Enemy’s List”: . So this is why Biden’s administration is emphasizing ongoing contact with the Taliban on getting Americans out of the country.

Afghan evacuees don’t need COVID tests: . Okay, but quarantine should apply once they’re out. We’re putting 300 or more together in military transports.

A shot in the shorts: . So I guess this is a reminder to wear your belt tighter on the golf course.