News for August 16 — Broader COVID Booster Advice Coming

Broader COVID booster advice coming: . WSJ: More: . The recommendation will be for 8 months after the last vaccination. Pfizer has submitted early trial data in pursuit of full authorization of the booster: . WSJ: More: .

Are COVID boosters wise or wasteful?: . The problem with the WHO view is that it is apparently oblivious to managing the mortality risk. Because deaths are concentrated in the old and medically vulnerable, they deserve special attention. Also, the evidence shows that many immunocompromised individuals benefit significantly from a third dose. And lastly, the countries which developed and produce the vaccines are naturally going to protect their populations first. China may be an exception, but that is also a political decision.

Report from a breakthrough infection survivor: . And from a mother whose daughter died: . IMPORTANT: Note the comments from the Louisiana Department of Health. The median age of persons dying of breakthrough infections is 74, and most had severe underlying conditions. There really should no longer be a question about the importance of booster shots in Americans over 60.

WSJ: COVID and attendance surge at Sturgis: .

Florida leads the way in current US surge: .

Herd immunity to COVID will not occur: Dr. Gottlieb: . Readers are well aware of this fact. However, this bears regular repeating from experts in light of the misinformation promulgated by others.

Younger children more likely to spread COVID to household members than older children: . Every parent knows why this is. Little children are constantly next to your face. Older children want nothing to do with you. Again, it’s a terrible idea to send children under 12 to school before they’re vaccinated.

Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocks local mask mandates: . Again, we know what will happen to the children.

Meanwhile, Governor DeMentis struggles to get his head farther up his ass: . What does it take to stop endangering children? More: . And the general population?: .

A protease inhibitor could be an effective drug to treat COVID: . You will note that the trial was announced in March of this year. According to this clinical update, Pfizer has apparently now moved to a phase 2/3 trial: .

BS on COVID from a “not” expert: . Good grief, does this guy even read the newspaper? The CDC was politically compromised by Orange Julius and his minions, and its experts muzzled. The CDC did make multiple missteps, including most notably shipping defective test kits. But responsibility must lie with the leadership of the CDC and the White House. Any other view is a hoax. Remember Michael Caputo? OJ’s press conferences? Enough said. You won’t be hearing from Stuart Shapiro here again unless he says something intelligent (odds are slim).

Catholic cardinal and vaccine skeptic now on ventilator: .

UK looking at fall COVID surge: . Well, the newspaper has accurately reported the statistics. But failing to provide context makes this just numbers to their reader. The evidence suggests that the high vaccination rate in the UK has decoupled the death totals from the cases. However, comparing daily death counts is of very limited value. Average cases over 7 days compared to the week before would be a more helpful yardstick for readers.

WSJ: Turkey offers Pfizer vaccinations to address concerns about Chinese vaccine: .

Japan expands COVID emergency one week before Paralympics: . Will the Japanese ever bid on an Olympics again?

WSJ: Malaysia’s prime minister resigns after losing support for COVID policies: .

Sri Lanka axes health minister as COVID surges: . So the sorcery thing didn’t work out.

The evacuation of Afghanistan: . The evacuation will cause a considerable brain drain in Afghanistan, which the Taliban are likely not concerned about. However, financial assets are also fleeing, which may be of considerable concern to them. Additionally: . This is a Russian report which I haven’t seen confirmed. However, events strongly suggest that the US built a corrupt, puppet administration and army with no independent cohesiveness or will to survive. This is turning out to be Saigon 2.0: .

OJ hotels issue mask mandates: . Hahahahaha. And there are still people in the GOP who believe in Orange Julius? Hahahahaha. It’s okay to kill people except when it affects OJ’s bottom line. Not laughing …

Water cuts in the Southwest: . More: . WSJ: More: . Note that Arizona is taking an 18% cut. It will get tougher over time to support the population in the greater Phoenix area. Also, the Hoover Dam generates hydroelectric power – 4 billion kilowatt hours annually: . This is not a temporary problem, and it’s going to get a lot worse. Las Vegas needs to start investing in a lot of solar farms and/or turn off that sky beam on the top of the Luxor: .