News for August 15 — Vaccine T-Cell Response; Taliban Take Afghanistan

Vaccines: T-cell response: . ImmunityBio has developed a vaccine focused on T-cell response, and has received approval to proceed with trials in South Africa: . Of course, many vaccines fail in trials, particularly at Phase 3. But this work is a reminder that our immune system is more than antibody production.

NIH director predicts 200,000 daily cases soon: . More: .

More on the third shot for the immunocompromised: .

Fauci tries to reach anti-vaxxers: . There was a time when this appeal would have been seen as a patriotic duty.

Taking care of a child with COVID: .

Children’s COVID deaths surge in Indonesia: .

The COVID flight from hell: . This segment aired on 60 Minutes Sunday evening. It is hard to imagine how the CDC could have screwed this up so bad. On the other hand, getting on a cruise ship always involves risks, even before COVID.

WSJ: Restaurants become vaccine enforcers: .

Kristi Noem continues trying to break in to the Idiot Olympics: . Again, the only reasonable explanations of her anti-fact behavior are: (1) she’s angling to be the Republican vice presidential nominee; or (2) she’s just really stupid. Both alternatives can co-exist.

However, Noem remains way behind Abbott and DeMentis: . I agree with the Texans quoted here. (1) Anti-mask is anti-business – it prolongs and grows the pandemic. (2) It flies in the face of the alleged GOP preference for local control and small government. (3) Abbott really is a piece of s**t. I remain incensed at this child endangerment for bizarre political aspirations. None of these clowns are going to be elected president or vice-president. Meanwhile, the GOP’s Abbott and Costello take on fire from all sides: .

John Oliver has the same message, but with much better production values: . Note that liberal comedians are delivering more reliable COVID information than any GOP politician. US democracy really is in serious trouble.

Meanwhile, DeMentis continues to try to wait out Florida’s COVID surge: . Oh, and open Florida’s school without masks. Ron’s a mass murderer – yesterday, today and tomorrow. There is nothing here resembling governance, or even rational behavior.

Still, COVID closes schools around the South: .

WSJ: The Delta variant is slowing businesses worldwide:–business-economy-11629049694 .

The last mistake: .

WSJ: Sleep apnea machines recalled: .

Iran locks down over COVID surge: . The Supreme Leader has forbidden US or British vaccines.

Waiting on infrastructure: . This writer’s position is theoretically possible, but it’s not going to happen. The House will ultimately pass the bipartisan bill. Democrats will ultimately agree on the companion legislation through reconciliation. To do otherwise would undermine both Biden’s presidency and any hope Democrats have at the polls in 2022. They were elected to get something done, and everyone knows it. WSJ: More: .

Taliban take Afghanistan: . After 20 years of building and billions in US aid, the so-called Afghan army turned out to be about as effective as the Polish cavalry in World War II. The Taliban has taken Afghanistan by blitzkrieg. And since Vietnam, the US military appears to have learned exactly nothing about nation-building. One wonders what our military intelligence really thought would happen here. WSJ: More: . Still more: . And: .

A few facts for reference: Orange Julius “negotiated” a US withdrawal date of May 1, 2021, so we have already overstayed that. OJ left this turd on Biden’s doorstep. Afghanistan has a population of about 38 million, roughly the same as California (39.5 million). Its area is about 250,000 square miles, about 50% larger than California (164,000 square miles).

An Orange Julius update: . Start with the premise that Orange Julius is an incompetent narcissist who will go to any length to feed his mental illness. Even so, this behavior is well beyond disgusting. As to his supporters, the phrase that comes to mind is “eyes wide shut”.

DeMentis faces growing unrest in Florida: .

The latest on redistricting for 2022: . As always, expect substantial litigation over the more egregious gerrymanders.

WSJ: Major earthquake in Haiti: . Haiti may also be hit by a tropical storm. And then there’s the pandemic …