News for July 24 — Asymptomatic COVID Spread; Florida COVID Surge

Asymptomatic COVID spread: . Apply this story to school re-openings. They aren’t going to go well.

COVID surges in DeMentis’ Florida: (link replaced 10/31/21). WSJ: More: . There was a political price for Orange Julius. There will be one for DeMentis.

DeMentis takes another page from the OJ playbook: . Gee, just when cases tripled in 2 weeks, DeMentis shows how not to manage a crisis. You’re still a mass murderer, Ron. Whether the numbers are daily or weekly, we’ll figure it out.

Meanwhile, DeMentis confronts the limits of Fantasyland: .

COVID hospitalizations spike in LA County: .

LA man dies of COVID as problem #100 arrives: .

Harvard, MIT engineers develop face mask that can detect COVID: . This won’t be on store shelves anytime soon. Still, it is remarkable technology.

Expect CDC guidance recommending masks at school for unvaccinated children under 12: . Right now, of course, that’s all children under 12.

Child dies of plague in Colorado: .

The Georgia investigation into OJ faces some practical problems: . DA’s ultimately find a way to do what they want to do. This investigation will continue to an indictment or a report, no matter what.

With no leadership apparent in the GOP, another fool steps forward to join the Idiot Olympics: . So Missouri could have this idiot as the junior senator to Josh Hawley.

The 2022 COVID political preview: . First, Biden should be given credit for his focus and priority on getting people vaccinated. Second, while he has properly focused on the US, Biden has also maintained priority on vaccinating people globally. This will be meaningful in November 2022. Third, the GOP is still trying to limp to victory by speaking out of both sides of their mouths. That is a dangerous strategy, but not yet a clear loser.

Bluntly, COVID has already killed many GOP voters (older whites), but it has taken Democratic voters (minority groups) as well. COVID has something like a 0.6% mortality rate. This may shrink the GOP base relative to the Democrats, but only in the tenths of a percent. So this article from Salon is somewhat off target: . The real questions are whether educated and suburban voters continue to turn away from the GOP, and what the level of voter turnout will be in 2022. My sense is that it is the second question which will determine election outcomes.

However, the GOP has a substantial problem on both questions. OJ won’t be on the ballot, and the Twitter removal has significantly faded his outreach (hooray!). Ron Johnson’s Senate seat in Wisconsin is in major jeopardy, whether he runs or not. Ditto for retiring Pat Toomey’s seat in Pennsylvania. And always remember, November 2022 is still a long way off politically.

The current COVID economic concerns: . The expiration of the eviction ban remains a significant and under-discussed threat. The early termination of federal supplemental benefits in GOP states hurt, but the entire program ends at the end of next month. It isn’t just the renters; landlords and banks will be hurt as well.

Vaccine holdouts increasingly shut out in Europe: .

The vaccine situation in Southeast Asia: .

OJ inaugural chair released on $250 million bond: . So typically you pay 10% of the bond amount to a bond bailsman. That would be $25 million. The ultra-rich live in a different world than the rest of us.

Another heat dome is coming: . The June temperatures in Portland were statistically impossible under our current understanding of global warming. They still happened. That is a problem.

COVID runs up its totals at the Olympics: . Basically, the village bubble has burst – and very early in the proceedings. More on COVID: .

Golfer Bryson DeChambeau off US Olympics team after testing positive for COVID: . WSJ: More: .

Heat and humidity another health risk at Olympics: . As someone who tries to run year-round, it is offensive to me that the athletes are not being fully accommodated. Move the tennis indoors – there are no spectators, so there’s no need for the stadium. At least hold matches early in the day. World-class athletes should be given optimal circumstances in which to perform. This is quite frankly ridiculous on many levels.

First US gold in Tokyo: .

WSJ: Olympics opening ceremony viewership drops 36%: . I was wondering if NBC might take a significant financial hit if viewership falls. The answer is apparently yes. NBC’s 2014 agreement with the IOC runs through 2032: . As this 36% comes on top of a 35% drop in 2016, the value of Olympics advertising has likely dropped significantly.

WSJ: Jackie Mason passes: .