News for July 10 — Daily COVID Cases Above 20,000

Daily COVID cases above 20,000: .

Global vaccine distribution status: .

NBC provides a daily COVID tracker in graphs: . The full suite of their COVID data is discussed here:  . The page also provides a by-state case tracker, updated daily.

California to require masks in school this fall: . I agree with this decision. Particularly for small children, one-size-fits-all is best. They would be wearing masks (no vaccine yet for the under-12 set), but older children in the school and teachers might not. When everyone does not wear a mask, questions arise. Enforcement is simple in the “required” environment.

Meanwhile, DeMentis leads Florida back into the pandemic: . So, 8,000 additional cases on a base of about 15,747 is over a 50% increase in one week. Positive tests are now at 7.8%, double the recent 4% rate. Is everyone asleep at the wheel?

Tennessee Southern Baptist Convention spread COVID: . As most participants live out of state, this is likely a superspreader. Tennessee does not want to state the obvious conclusion, apparently happy to restart convention business.

When is the pandemic over?: . There is little insight in this article about the question posed. And please stop with the not-valid flu analogy. Globally, the pandemic appears likely to continue in less developed countries into and probably through 2022. Because of the high mobility of our population, we are likely to see continued outbreaks in less vaccinated areas for quite some time. I do agree that COVID hospitalizations are now a better measure of severity than cases.

Worst current COVID country is Brazil: .

COVID again delays the hajj: .

The potential cost of the new Alzheimer’s drug is massive: . We will have to see the actual level of prescriptions.

Purdue/Sackler OxyContin litigation moves toward resolution: .

WSJ: Biden order directed at hospital mergers, surprise billing: .

WSJ: US companies’ median pay figures have moved during the pandemic: . Here is further evidence of significant economic dislocation. Also, analysis based on national average will likely miss divergent trends within the data.

Miami condo collapse death toll at 86 with 43 unaccounted for: . Meanwhile, a post-collapse review has closed the Miami courthouse. Officials closed the top 12 floors of the 28 story building. As the building is almost 100 years old, this is not particularly a comment on Miami’s current building code. However, as to the description yesterday on Miami’s code being tough, on reflection that may relate more to hurricane preparations than appropriate inspection and maintenance. 

No US troops to Haiti, for now: . This situation has the potential to further destabilize.