News for July 9 — Vaccine Limbo; Homeless Shelter Superspreader

Vaccine limbo for some clinical trial participants: .

Homeless shelter superspreader: . Consider the intersection of COVID and the heat emergencies driving people to cooling centers. And not to be too pessimistic, but grid failures, brownouts and blackouts are all possibilities. A grid failure in extreme heat could literally kill thousands.

WSJ: Biden takes another shot at reducing drug prices: .

WSJ: Smoking drugs: . So, rebranding makes sense for a cigarette maker. However, rebranding as a health company is quite the stretch.

FDA wants inspector general review of Biogen Alzheimer’s drug approval: . WSJ: More: . Meanwhile, the price of Biogen care may be going up when prescribed: . These developments further cloud the future of this drug’s use.

WSJ: Chinese vaccine efficacy: .

WSJ: COVID surges trouble Europe: .

WSJ: COVID in North Korea: .

Africa faces COVID mega-wave: .

WSJ: Chip supply problems grow: . And grow: .

WSJ: We struggle with economic concepts: . The Journal repeats itself: “Low-wage work is in high demand”. So do you not understand that it is not in demand by workers? The pandemic is a trend-breaker. People are avoiding the trap of a low wage job. Employers can adjust their business model, automate the low-paid jobs, or raise wages. Again, a significant economic dislocation is underway. The employers must understand that a job remains open in this economy for a reason.

WSJ: We also struggle with history: . Good grief. This episode was racism against Italians, period. It demonstrates that the tribal dimwits in our society don’t just discriminate by skin color. The Irish suffered a similar fate. If the Journal doesn’t understand the 20th century, it will have a hard time surviving in the 21st.

Biden fires SSA commissioner and deputy: . For reference, in the Bible Saul dies by falling on his own sword. History repeats itself. WSJ: More: .

Confirming yesterday’s report, two Haitian Americans are arrested in connection with the assassination of Haiti’s president: . The other 15 arrested were from Colombia, also confirming yesterday’s speculation here of Latin American involvement. However, the two Haitian Americans say they were only acting as translators. How exactly does one take that job? WSJ: More: .

The US declines sending troops to Haiti: .

Miami condo collapse death toll now 79, while 61 remain unaccounted for: . The switch from search & rescue and the demolition of the remaining structure has accelerated the recovery of bodies. This is the best outcome for the grieving families.

Fingers now point at Surfside building official: . Wait, the Miami-Dade building code is one of the toughest in Florida? This is a 12-story red flag.