News for July 7 — Worry Continues Over the Delta Variant

Worry continues over the Delta variant: . Right now, the rise in cases in the least vaccinated states is 3 times that in the most vaccinated states. What else do you need to know? A wave is forming for the Deep South and parts of the Midwest. WSJ: More: .

Do vaccinated people spread the Delta variant?: . This is a pretty powerful argument for everyone wearing masks for a while longer.

The variants over time: . Note that the Gamma (Brazilian) variant is holding its own. This raises the possibility of the Delta and Gamma variants interacting.

WSJ: COVID vaccine blood clots linked to certain amino acids: .

Fake experts seek publicity: 75% is not herd immunity: . Hospitalization is not the benchmark of herd immunity; infection is. And if herd immunity for the original COVID strain was 70% (questionable), with Delta being more than twice as transmissible, herd immunity now has to be higher than 85% (my estimate is 92% to 95%). This appalling misinformation could encourage some people not to seek vaccination, which would be tragic.

We can now predict where surges will occur. Still, the people in those areas refuse vaccination: . This is so unnecessary, but what can be done? The main thrusts now are to make vaccinations as convenient as possible and to enlist local centers of influence (doctors, clergy).

WSJ: Hospitals move to have employees vaccinated: . Um, this is logical to keep patients and staff safe. Employers have the legal right to do this, as the litigation WSJ mentions was quickly resolved in the hospital’s favor. The most important word about the employee they quote is “former”.

More on the Texas church summer camp outbreak: . Politics has no place in public health emergencies. Did these people take any precautions? We are looking at over 250 cases, mostly in children.

COVID surging in the eastern Mediterranean: .

WSJ: Indonesia continues its COVID spiral: .

Global COVID deaths hit 4 million: . We believe the global figure is significantly understated, perhaps by ½. For comparison, the 1918 influenza pandemic is estimated to have killed 50 million people worldwide.

Surgeries delayed by US blood shortage: .

A genetic mutation that protects against weight gain: . The discussion of exon sequencing suggests this area may move to the forefront of genetic testing for disease potential.

WSJ: Reducing drug prices hits a political minefield, again: . The argument that we must overpay drug companies in order to encourage drug innovation is illogical and reprehensible. Why would the US Congress force US consumers to pay prices inflated above the amounts drug companies charge in other countries?

WSJ: NYC ticker tape parade for healthcare workers: . Of course, “ticker tape” disappeared a long time ago.

Japan to ban Olympic spectators: . This Olympics just gets more fun every day.

WSJ waves good-bye to the Suez Canal story: . This follows the wake yesterday.

WSJ: Job openings hit record: . Listen up, WSJ: This is a major economic dislocation. You state, “Low-wage work is in high demand”. So what is the obvious way to fix that problem? But employers are offering one-time incentives, not wage increases. That is appallingly exploitative. And yes, I get that wage increases may be inflationary. But we need to stop the exploitation mentality and give workers a living wage.

A new twist on gun control: . If a government agency fails its reporting requirements, financial responsibility can follow. WSJ: More: .

President of Haiti assassinated: . The main question now: Who sent the assassination squad? WSJ: Less: . And a later update: . I would guess that English was spoken as part of the DEA ruse, and that the attackers are from Latin America.

Miami condo collapse death toll rises to 54 as mission converts to search and rescue: . The number unaccounted for is now 86. The jump from 36 to 54 recovered bodies today certainly suggests that the remaining portion of the building should have been brought down much earlier. However, that demolition involved risks. It appears doubtful that anyone would have been found alive after the first day under any strategy. WSJ: More: (unfortunate link titling; article count later revised to 54).

WSJ: Orange Julius sues social media companies for banning him: . As noted way down in the article, this lawsuit is “irredeemably frivolous”. The issue has already been decided against OJ. So the purpose of this is to fleece his base of more contributions.

Rudy Giuliani’s law license suspended in DC: . This is just reciprocal discipline. Rudy will be unable to practice law if the temporary suspension in New York becomes permanent, which appears to be a near certainty. Note that the original NY order was issued by a 5-judge panel., and they were pissed off. So, we are looking at a Rule #1 violation.

Pass me the plate of junkie, please: . The science seems reasonable; the result is appalling.