News for June 25 — Delta Variant Continues to Gain Ground

Delta variant continues to gain ground: . This demonstrates that the Delta variant is outcompeting other variants, including the California variants.WSJ: More: .

Delta variant: WHO urges mask wearing by the vaccinated: . While the tone here is alarmist, there is some justification. No vaccines are 100% effective. And looking worldwide, a significant percentage of the vaccinated got something other than Pfizer or Moderna.

WSJ: Delta variant surges in Israel: . And more reason for concern in the vaccine-variant race.

More from WHO: . Unfortunately, politics has intruded on the public health science. The developed countries will more fully move globally once they have their own epidemics under control.

Delta variant “warning signs”: . I agree with the details in this article. However, the “warning sign” analogy is off base. This is driving around the railroad crossing barrier. The train is coming. Just because the unvaccinated are foolish, it is still heartbreaking that they will continue to die when effective vaccines are available.

Experts coming around to booster shots for variants: . It’s not just J&J. Also, anyone who skipped their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna needs another shot, whether they mix or match.

More employers require employees to come back vaccinated: . Unless you live on the family farm, you may need to rethink vaccination. Well, or die unemployed.

COVID loss of smell and taste reversible over time: . More: .

Yes, we blew testing: .

WSJ: COVID in sports: .

The US House takes up the Alzheimer’s drug backlash: . It’s about damn time.

WSJ: Pfizer recalls Chantix over carcinogen concerns: .

WSJ: Sydney locks down again: . More: .

COVID surge worsens in Indonesia: .

Jobless claims remain elevated: . Remember that the historic record for these claims prior to the pandemic was 275,000. I continue to believe that this is a significant economic dislocation and that there is no evidence supporting the GOP approach. Pay under $32,000 is essentially the poverty level for a family of four ($28,000).

Colorado cop shot the hero, who had already shot the bad guy: . So, what do we learn from this tragedy? An armed citizen probably saved lives, but lost his own by stupidly picking up the assailant’s gun. Police training is to shoot when perceiving danger. Here the result was tragic.

Chauvin sentenced: . This is unfair to the judge. The judge was not sending some greater message; the judge and even Keith Ellison said that. The 12 ½ average sentence plus the aggravating factors justify this sentence. WSJ: More: .

DOJ sends Georgia a message: . And this is the first of a series of DOJ actions against these ridiculous voter suppression efforts. Will Stacey Abrams be able to beat Kemp next year? I sure as hell hope so. WSJ: More: .

Self-defense against the nuts on board: . After the thousands of business flights I’ve been on over the years, this behavior turns my stomach.

Alito: Hi, I’m not qualified for the Court: . This type of opinion is better suited to the Supreme Court of Iran. To briefly recap, Justice Scalia is a god to conservatives but otherwise not highly regarded. Scalia never convinced any of the swing justices to accept his point of view about anything. And in his two most famous cases – Bush v. Gore and Heller (individual right to bear arms) – Scalia abandoned his so-called originalist philosophy. In short, Scalia was an intellectual who dropped his philosophy when it suited his desired result.

Thomas and Alito often joined Scalia in opinions, in a group which might be called Scalito Light. They favored his results but lack his writing or intellectual skills. Both are rarely assigned opinions to write basically because they have nothing to say. Thomas wants to abandon stare decisis (respect of prior opinions), which essentially obliterates the rule of law. Alito is results driven. Historically, not being assigned opinions is the hallmark of an undistinguished mind. Roberts is an incrementalist, so these two will be continue to prowl the sidelines.

Mike Pence: Hi, I’m too little too late: . So, who would vote for Mike Pence now? If this is a “legacy” speech, that’s already been defined. Four years of looking the other way – and the fly.

Why Republican incumbents remain pro-OJ: . Republican congressmen and senators are currently people who put their position over country or common sense. Their greatest fear, in many red districts, is not the Democrats – it’s being primaried. In truly red places, this doesn’t open up many opportunities for Democrats.

Meanwhile, OJ heads for the blender: . Actually, this gives me more joy than a Yankees game.

GOP fakes outrage: Just to clarify: (1) Biden has said this all along; (2) He’s just giving the GOP a chance to be bipartisan and support something; (3) the Democrats can pass this and an additional piece through reconciliation. Other reporting is that so far the deal is holding.

Arizona GOP declares intellectual bankruptcy: . So, you have a substantial state budget surplus and tremendous local needs. So then you give the money to the rich? I’m very interested to see how Arizona’s state legislative elections go next year.

GOP doubles down on pure looney: . If this is logical in any way, shape or form, I guess the ancient Greeks in heaven just crapped their tunics.

Miami building collapse becomes grimmer: . The death toll is now 4 with 159 unaccounted for. The 35 rescued from the disaster were almost exclusively from the intact part of the building. The only person reported rescued from the rubble is teenager Jonah Handler. It appears the only real hope is that some of the 159 were elsewhere at the time of collapse. But that hope continues to fade. This will be a gruesome recovery operation. WSJ: More: .

Did rising water levels cause Miami building collapse?: . Possibly. But as the article notes, rising sea levels are an irreversible problem, at least in the time needed to save Miami and many other coastal communities. There will be US climate refugees.

Portland prepares to fry. As of late Friday night, the computers predict temperatures of 108 here Saturday, 114 for Sunday and 113 for Monday. Our all-time high is 107. Locals (including me) believe that geography like the Columbia Gorge will not allow temperatures to go to the predicted highs. So, we will see. WSJ: More: .

Help the federal firefighters now: . When I worked on the Citizens Review Committee for Portland Police and Fire, average firefighter salary was about $90,000 annually, with terrific benefits. That was 15 years ago. “Ridiculously low” is an understatement.

How far can you hit a golf ball with a broken driver?: . This seems impossible. However, there is videotape, as well as hundreds of witnesses.