News for June 5 — Latest COVID Research; New Booster Shot Study

Latest COVID research: . This article discusses the increasing number of adolescents hospitalized with COVID. Myocarditis has previously been identified as a rare vaccine side effect. This is not particularly surprising as COVID has a variety of inflammatory vascular and respiratory effects. The article also mentions a new study refuting the idea that coronavirus inserts code into human genetic DNA.

Latest fantasy research from the GOP: . The origin of coronavirus is of considerable interest in terms of China’s transparency with the world. However, it is of little interest in the ongoing fight against the pandemic. How’s the “inject bleach” study going?

Pfizer second dose “critical” for variant protection: . This important research verifies the need for the second dose. Will people listen?

The pandemic path forward differs in the US and Europe: (link replaced 6/13/21). As readers know, I strongly favor caution. We have repeatedly increased the pandemic’s severity by re-opening too early. There is a high probability we are making that mistake again.

New booster shot study starts in UK: .

Families remain separated by US border closures: .

Obama pitches in for Obamacare: . What a mess health coverage during the pandemic would be without the ACA coverage extension to millions of Americans.

Hawaii state epidemiologist delayed action on contact tracing at start of pandemic: . Her response makes no sense to me. Contact tracing is a well-understood public health measure. Delay is the worst possible response.

FDA to rule on controversial Alzheimer’s drug: . I can understand the desperation of families facing this problem. But that cannot be the FDA’s main concern.

Confusion about economic strength: . So, this article tells us there are a lot of mixed signals right now. That is not an unusual situation in economic analysis. Let’s see what sorts out of this.

“Plenty of growth” – that is typical of a rebound. It does not demonstrate long-term growth. “Manufacturing is up.” A part of this is refilling the supply chain. That also demonstrates a rebound, but not long-term growth. “A short-term mismatch” – yes, but the mismatch is between micro and macro economics. Right now, all economies are local, by which I mean every business is just looking to survive its short-term situation. Only a small subset sees a clear opportunity to thrive.

I also think there is a significant economic dislocation going on, and not just a short-term mismatch. The economy was already coping with the departure of the baby boomers from the workforce. The last year has accelerated that trend, and especially among small business owners. Meanwhile, many people more clearly understand the importance of savings now. As a macroeconomic phenomenon, jobs with low pay and no future have to go through substantial redefinition. A part of that will be their elimination.

In other words, the loss of 8 million jobs is not going to quickly recover. People now understand that time is money, and it’s not worth wasting your time on a crappy job unless it’s a short-term transition to something better. Older small business owners will scale back, while younger people will seek more independence from the grind of being an employee. Wages must rise in response, at least for the low-paid. It also turns out that we need immigrants to address these issues.

Here’s another take on the baby boomer departures: .

G7 reaches global minimum tax deal: (link replaced 6/13/21). Here is more evidence of significant economic dislocation. To the extent taxation becomes more uniform, it eliminates economic incentives to relocate. Ireland’s strategy has been part of the race to the bottom in taxation. This race is harmful to good governance globally. WSJ: More: .

The antitrust lawsuit against Amazon explained: . The DC AG does an excellent job of explaining his position.

Democrats’ plan for multiple reconciliation packages has hit major problem: . I’m surprised there hasn’t been more reporting of this very important development.

Democrat DA self-declares as a racist: . His response to a black attorney who accused the DA’s office of racism is to punish the lawyer’s clients? The DA proved the lawyer’s comments. Then he defended his actions instead of apologizing. The DA really should resign. He is unfit for the office.

Kayfabe: . I learned a new word today. “Kayfabe” (two syllables, both a’s are long) in professional wrestling means presenting the staged bouts as true events. It comes from carnival slang, and may be derived from “ake-fay” (pig Latin for “fake”).

The circus sets up camp in Arizona: . I’d be even more disgusted with this kayfabe if I was an Arizona taxpayer. More: .

Kemp booed at Georgia GOP convention: . So, Kemp wouldn’t be in office without engineering voter suppression to defeat Stacey Abrams. He’s booed at the GOP convention, is getting primaried by a Orange Julius loyalist (who is black), and will likely face Stacey Abrams again in 2022. The additional voter suppression passed this year in Georgia may not be enough to save his bacon. Meanwhile, Georgia has two Democratic senators thanks to OJ’s fantasies that the election was rigged against him. One hopes Kemp will receive his just desserts.

Georgia times 50: . Dowd believes the only end to the GOP threat to democracy is devastating losses at the polls. I totally agree, and await the coming indictments.

Federal judge in California overturns state assault weapon ban: . WSJ: More: . No sane person would compare an AR-15 to a Swiss Army knife. Period. Judge Benitez [who assumed senior status (retired) in 2017] needs to leave the bench permanently, voluntarily or otherwise.

Agriculture released “carbon bombs”: . This surprise finding shows how important wetlands are to the ecosystem. Draining them has done enormous damage. However, this all comes back to reducing the carbon dioxide content in our atmosphere in order to sustain the web of life.

WSJ: The mechanics of bitcoin mining: .

WSJ: Converting classic cars to electricity: .

COVID forces leader of PGA Memorial Tournament to withdraw after Day 3: . Rahm was leading by 6 strokes. The winner receives $1.7 million. Ouch!