News for June 1 — UK Reports Zero COVID Deaths

UK reports zero COVID deaths for first time since beginning of pandemic: . One conclusion we can draw is that the AstraZeneca vaccine is very effective against the UK variant in terms of mortality. But analysis is tricky: . As to Alpha (the UK variant) and Delta (the Indian variant), see the naming convention discussion below.

UK doctors want public inquiry into government’s COVID response: . At first, I thought this was an article about India. It’s not, which is too bad, because I could have riffed on the multiple meanings of “incense”. Still, this does emphasize the global nature both of the pandemic and our evolving sense of society.

Moderna begins full FDA approval process: .

COVID prevention measures holding down childhood diseases: . We already saw this with last fall’s cold and flu season. Gee, basic public health measures, what a concept …

Why 50 state plans is a really dumb idea: .That’s great. What the hell is Phase 5? Is it transcendence? Judgment Day? Just a note for the next pandemic …

EU starts using “vaccine passport”: . We have to ask if creation of a voluntary system in the US restrains the rights of others who choose not to participate. The short answer is, it depends on how it’s used. I think for private companies, the answer is like our past discussion of Facebook. They have the (legal) right to regulate traffic on their website. So, private companies have the right to choose who they serve, provided it is not race or gender based. Also, we allow public services (schools) to require vaccinations for attendance.

The quest for a universal coronavirus vaccine: . This is broader than a multivalent vaccine, which covers multiple COVID variants. While coronavirus may be less genetically “flexible” than influenza, the research community has consistently underestimated the mutation capability of COVID variants over the past year.

New COVID variant naming scheme: . The current naming system gives us some idea of a variant’s heredity. The new system, akin to hurricane naming, gives no information of value. For example: . So, the Indian variant is now the delta variant. There were more than three variants before delta (the fourth Greek letter), so how does this naming system work?

WHO grants EUA for Sinovac vaccine: . This is the second Chinese vaccine granted an EUA by WHO.

WHO requests re-examination of Italy COVID samples: . The point is that the virus was likely circulating in China before December 2019. China has not been transparent in this matter.

Melbourne extends COVID lockdown: .

Japan to contribute another $800 million to COVAX: . WSJ: More: .

Foreign governments ask US for vaccine doses: . This is exactly why donating the bulk of our supply to COVAX makes sense.

Drug-resistant fungal infections create more COVID fear in India: .

China reports first case of H10N3 bird flu: . As stated here many times, handling of animals in China needs to change.

China postpones Shanghai Air Expo over new COVID outbreak: .

Baby talc judgment stands: .

WSJ: Projecting the global economy: .

WSJ: What are COVID stocks worth?: . How does the Journal write this article without describing the differences between mRNA and other vaccine technologies?

Will there be a plea deal for some of the Oath Keepers?: .

Chauvin faces sentencing: . An above-average sentence is anticipated because of the aggravating circumstances in this murder.

OJ settling in at the loony bin: . Simply put, this is unintelligible to anyone with a grasp on reality.

French Open press conferences going badly: . Coming only days after Naomi Osaka’s withdrawal for refusing to attend press conferences, this is a bizarre occurrence: .