News for May 24 — Cracks Emerge in Wuhan Lab Defense

Cracks emerge in Wuhan lab defense: . There is increasing international pressure on China to be transparent. WSJ: And what about Chinese bat guano?: .

US hits another vaccination milestone: . So, half of the states have vaccinated at least half of their population.

Pfizer testing pneumococcal vaccine with COVID booster: . It’s good somebody is paying attention to adequate testing.

Nine states now have at least 70% of adult population partially vaccinated: . Eight more plus DC are close. The key is to have a lot of Democrats.

Update on India black fungus: .

Were you surprised Florida hadn’t cancelled federal unemployment benefits? Never fear: . DeMentis, a perennial entrant in the Idiot Olympics, of course put his presidential aspirations (what a joke) above the needs of Floridians. These GOP governors are manufacturing a lot of angry voters.)

Alabama bans vaccine passports: . There are privacy concerns here. The question becomes how businesses can operate safely in low vaccination areas. Requiring a mask for entry seems like the logical alternative.

Over 8,700 patients contracted COVID and died in English hospitals: . The cases and deaths appear to be concentrated in Northern England.

IMF supports corporate minimum tax: . This April article discusses the IMF’s support of a global corporate minimum tax. In the past, the IMF has been seen as supporting the interests of the financially powerful; this is an important shift.

WSJ: Major oil companies look to supply green power: . Maybe this will help our Midwestern states redefine themselves from oil states to energy states.

WSJ: Amazon nears deal to buy MGM: .

Congress can make DC a state: . This needs 60 votes as long as the filibuster is in place. The only real effect is to point out that some of Joe Manchin’s legal claims don’t hold water.

Does the US have three parties?: . No. Right now it only has the Democrats and the Insurrectionists. For the Republican Party to return, a person has to emerge who can lead the current base and promote rational policy. There is no such person, because the base won’t listen to a rational person. I’m dead serious – check the DeMentis entry above if you disagree. We’ll see what happens after the indictments against Orange Julius come down, which will be later this year.

By the way, the last Republican leader promoting anything like rational policy was George H.W. Bush. (Maybe – otherwise, it’s Dwight Eisenhower.)

Bipartisanship on infrastructure appears dead: . Biden had to go through this dance to retain Manchin’s vote. We’ll see what finally emerges from our dysfunctional legislative system.

WSJ: 21 of 172 ultramarathoners in China are dead: . Obviously, any organized race where the rescue plan is a local sheepherder is not properly organized.