News for May 5 — US Birthrate Lowest in 40 Years

US birthrate drops to lowest level in over 40 years: . The US birthrate has dropped for the past 6 years. Without immigrants, the US population will age more rapidly. WSJ: More: .

Pfizer testing data coming this fall on children under 12: . This is important to the operation of primary schools and day care facilities.

FDA approval of Pfizer vaccine for 12 to 15 year olds still expected soon: . This is in line with previous reporting. I am concerned that vaccine skeptics will think this is being rushed to meet vaccination targets. WSJ: Canada authorizes Pfizer for 12 to 15 year olds: .  

CDC raising hopes of pandemic control: . This dynamic is heading toward blaming the unvaccinated. That could backfire if it’s the variants.

WSJ: Moderna says vaccine effective against variants: . Note that we are discussing booster shots here.

Novavax vaccine 51% effective against South African variant: . While 51% is better than nothing, it’s quite a drop-off from the 89.3% efficacy against the original strain and the UK strain. This is more evidence that the mRNA technology is likely to replace the viral vector approach over time. The article also says that previous infection offers no protection against the South African variant, but that study participants excluded those who had been previously infected. So how did they get that result? More: .

CNN says vaccines effective against variants: . The facts in the article lead to a different conclusion, I think. With the infectiousness levels rising with the variants, we are looking at 90% for the (unattainable) herd immunity. A 51% vaccine efficacy doesn’t cut it, except in the initial stages where we need every dose to vaccine the world. Booster shots remain critical, and we must upgrade to multivalent vaccines as soon as practical. We should plan manufacturing capacity accordingly.

Again, efficacy is a complicated concept, and it is important to consider their ability to reduce hospitalization and severe illness. But ultimately the focus must go to reducing transmission in order to fully subdue the pandemic.

LA has second straight day of zero COVID deaths: . Conspiracy theorists believe the restaurant association has opened a private morgue to conceal the truth.

Biden will support waiving patent protection for vaccine technology: . This is big news. Will it hurt drug companies? Will it affect the fight with China over intellectual property rights?

Research on COVID’s path to the brain: . Given the neurological symptoms and brain fog, there is an answer to these questions.

Researchers argue about data-sharing: . So, you want vaccines and Western countries are coming forward to waive patent protections. But you won’t share your data? Your concern is personal recognition? I am appalled. Propose some sort of recognition mechanism and shut the hell up.

WSJ: The future of CRISPR: . And a bright future it is – this didn’t win the Nobel Prize for nothing.

How long is someone contagious?: . We really do not know.  Immunocompromised persons who are infected can carry a detectable viral load for months. We do not understand long COVID. So this important question remains open.

How does an oxygen concentrator help? . The point is to reduce the stress on the lungs.

Why travel is still dangerous: . While stupid knows no limits, this is completely irresponsible. This clown should be quarantining in jail (solitary confinement).

India’s pandemic crisis continues to deepen: . Note that the US economy may take an indirect hit from the loss of Indian labor for back-office operations (like accounting, IT and call center functions). WSJ: More: . Pretty puny coverage from the Journal.

India’s broken health system and poor decision-making exposed by the pandemic: .

Will COVID relief money go to the opioid crisis?: .

Oh, right – the debt limit – again: .

WSJ: Biden’s capital gains proposal will affect only the rich: . This point is freaking obvious to anyone who reads before opening their mouth. The data in the article that it still hits 62% of reported capital gains is very telling. We have way, way too much wealth concentration in the US. That is bad for the economy because that wealth does not get spent.

Research can be depressing: . Certainly this is an unfortunate police result. So my question in reading this horrific story: was the father black or white? I promised myself I’d include the question and answer, whatever it was. Click on either of the broadcasting links in the article, and you’ll have a picture of the gunman.

WSJ: The pandemic’s problem for big food: . My guess about why the Europeans are more exposed is that they sell more in their former colonies. If that’s true, I don’t feel that bad about their troubles.

WSJ: Banks tighten credit in “Arch Egos” fall-out: . Something else I don’t feel bad about. There is too much speculation in the market. The banks should have been more alert to this risk.

GOP is going from no solutions to bizarre solutions: . So someone has lost their job, the feds pay to help them out, and the state denies them the benefits. If I’m a landlord, I’m pissed. Notice that they didn’t pull this stunt in winter.

Federal eviction freeze knocked down: (link replaced 5/25/21). The appeal route is the best way to keep this in place until June 30, since we are talking less than two months. It’s unlikely final resolution can be reached in that time, protecting tenants. After that, it is looking like a state-by-state question. WSJ: More: .

Feds call BS on Arizona vote recount: . This ludicrous stunt needs to come to an end.

The Daily Show” broadcasts a 9 minute, right-on biography of Ted Cruz: . Ever wondered what it would be like to have the garbage truck pull up at your door and deliver your past trash? “The Daily Show” delivers a load of Ted Cruz. This tells you all you need to ever know about Flyin’ Ted. Ever.

The Facebook Oversight Board continues the ban on Orange Julius trash deliveries: (link replaced 5/25/21). Free speech does have its limits. So far, Facebook, as a private company, has been free to moderate content on its platform.

“Da, mein Orange Furor”: . Actually, the road to hell is paved with bad intentions. Morons with pavers don’t alter the truth. More: .

Voting stats of Cheney and Stefanik reveal who’s the true conservative: . This is cogent analysis. Remember, Orange Julius has no political philosophy. All he wants is loyalty to The Big Lie.

WSJ: A sort-of history of the McCarthy-Cheney relationship: .

More analysis from Salon: . Over-the-top analysis from Salon: . Uh, no. Like Barack Obama, if Liz wants to run for president, 2024 is probably her time. But she can’t win a primary even in Wyoming – she may well lose her House seat in 2022.

Liz still pitching strikes: . Liz is now getting to the heart of the story. She is telling the truth. McCarthy folded. The election is over, and the GOP needs to move on. As noted yesterday, it’s hard to see The Big Lie holding up for 19 months. Other reports indicate Liz expects to be pushed out: . What happens to the other 9 Republican House members who voted to impeach Orange Julius?

DOJ ignored Rule #1: . Do not piss off the judge. Barr’s reputation has been in the toilet for some time. WSJ: More: .

Ted Cruz has a self-applied Orange Julius enema: . Ah, the Republican Axis. Even Satan declined the dinner invitation.

The Daily News is now the conscience of the right: . Publishing the phone numbers is an interesting move. How low can things go in this food fight?

 Meanwhile, Biden’s rationality confuses Yahoo: . When one side insists on loyalty to ignorance and falsehood, there aren’t two sides. When the WSJ tells Republicans this, they fail to listen at their own peril. The Republicans are violating a basic political tenet: If you have nothing to offer people to join, you shrink. P.S. WSJ came to the right conclusion, but a fair amount of their editorial is tripe that panders to the unthinking right: .

WSJ: The bipartisanship opportunity: . Um, so pretty much it’s zero unless you can split 10 to 12 Republicans away from McConnell.

Hutchinson supports Cheney: . But Hutchinson is retiring. This does point out that there is divisiveness within the GOP, which makes it tough for Biden to seek bipartisanship. The GOP wants to fight with everybody, which if you think about it, is the legacy of Orange Julius. They need a leader with a brain.

The Zombie Army marches in to the Tennessee legislature: . How a state lawmaker can possibly be this uneducated about the US Constitution is appalling. And as the article points out, there are multiple examples of this level of abject stupidity among GOP officials.